Customer payment insights (Preview)


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Organizations often find it challenging to predict when a customer will pay their invoices. This lack of insight can lead to inaccurate cash flow forecasts, inefficient collection processes, and the possibility of orders being released to customers who may pose a credit risk. Customer payment insights (preview) uses machine learning to predict when an invoice will be paid. It also provides optimization strategies that can be tailored to maximize the probability of customers paying on time.

Payment predictions allow organizations to improve their business processes by helping to:

  • Easily identify the invoices that are predicted to be paid late.

  • Take appropriate measures to improve chances of getting paid on time.

Customer payment insights (preview) uses historical invoice, payment, and customer data to create a machine learning model that is used to predict when an invoice will be paid.

In addition to payment predictions, Customer payment insights (preview) can use optimization strategies to improve the chances of getting paid on time. This lets organizations do “What if” analysis by allowing users to adjust invoice and customer parameters and then compare the corresponding effect on the probability of receiving payment for invoices on time.