New-FinOpsCostExport command
The New-FinOpsCostExport command creates a new Cost Management export for the specified scope.
This command was tested with the following API versions:
- 2023-07-01-preview (default) – Enables FocusCost and other datasets.
- 2023-08-01
# Create a new daily/monthly export
New-FinOpsCostExport `
[-Name] <string> `
-Scope <string> `
[-Dataset <string>] `
[-DatasetVersion <string>] `
[-DatasetFilters <hashtable>] `
[-Monthly] `
[-StartDate <DateTime>] `
[-EndDate <DateTime>] `
-StorageAccountId <string> `
[-StorageContainer <string>] `
[-StoragePath <string>] `
[-Location] `
[-DoNotPartition] `
[-DoNotOverwrite] `
[-Execute] `
[-Backfill <int>] `
[-ApiVersion <string>]
# Create a new one-time export
New-FinOpsCostExport `
[-Name] <string> `
-Scope <string> `
[-Dataset <string>] `
[-DatasetVersion <string>] `
[-DatasetFilters <hashtable>] `
-OneTime `
-StartDate <DateTime> `
-EndDate <DateTime> `
-StorageAccountId <string> `
[-StorageContainer <string>] `
[-StoragePath <string>] `
[-Location] `
[-DoNotPartition] `
[-ApiVersion <string>]
Name | Description |
‑Name |
Required. Name of the export. |
‑Scope |
Required. Resource ID of the scope to export data for. |
‑Dataset |
Optional. Dataset to export. Allowed values = "ActualCost", "AmortizedCost". Default = "ActualCost". |
‑DatasetVersion |
Optional. Schema version of the dataset to export. Default = (latest version as of June 2024; for example, "1.0" for FocusCost). |
‑DatasetFilters |
Optional. Dictionary of key/value pairs to filter the dataset with. Only applies to ReservationRecommendations dataset in 2023-07-01-preview. Valid filters are reservationScope (Shared or Single), resourceType (for example, VirtualMachines), lookBackPeriod (Last7Days, Last30Days, Last60Days). |
‑Monthly |
Optional. Indicates that the export should be executed monthly (instead of daily). Default = false. |
‑OneTime |
Optional. Indicates that the export should only be executed once. When set, the start/end dates are the dates to query data for. Can't be used with the -Monthly option. |
‑StartDate |
Optional. Day to start running exports. Default = First day of the previous month if -OneTime is set; otherwise, tomorrow (DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)). |
‑EndDate |
Optional. Last day to run the export. Default = Last day of the month identified in -StartDate if -OneTime is set; otherwise, five years from -StartDate. |
‑StorageAccountId |
Required. Resource ID of the storage account to export data to. |
‑StorageContainer |
Optional. Name of the container to export data to. Container is created if it doesn't exist. Default = "cost-management". |
‑StoragePath |
Optional. Path to export data to within the storage container. Default = (scope ID). |
‑Location |
Optional. Indicates the Azure location to use for the managed identity used to push data to the storage account. Managed identity is required in order to work with storage accounts behind a firewall but require access to grant permissions (for example, Owner). If specified, managed identity is used; otherwise, managed identity isn't used and your export doesn't push data to a storage account behind a firewall. Default = (empty). |
‑DoNotPartition |
Optional. Indicates whether to partition the exported data into multiple files. Partitioning is recommended for reliability so this option is to disable partitioning. Default = false. |
‑DoNotOverwrite |
Optional. Indicates whether to overwrite previously exported data for the current month. Overwriting is recommended to keep storage size and costs down so this option is to disable overwriting. Default = false. |
‑Execute |
Optional. Indicates that the export should be run immediately after created. |
‑Backfill |
Optional. Number of months to export the data for. It only runs once at create time. Failed exports aren't reattempted. Not supported when -OneTime is set. Default = 0. |
‑Execute |
Optional. Indicates that the export should be run immediately after created. |
‑Backfill |
Optional. Number of months to export the data for. It only runs once at create time. Failed exports aren't reattempted. Not supported when -OneTime is set. Default = 0. |
‑ApiVersion |
Optional. API version to use when calling the Cost Management Exports API. Default = 2023-07-01-preview. |
Create one time export
New-FinopsCostExport -Name 'July2023OneTime' `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
-StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/SharedStorage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/ddsharedstorage" `
-DataSet ActualCost `
-OneTime `
-StartDate "2023-07-01" `
-EndDate "2023-07-31"
Creates a new one time export called 'July2023OneTime' from 2023-07-01 to 2023-07-31 with Dataset = Actual and execute it once.
Create and run a daily export
New-FinopsCostExport -Name 'DailyMTD' `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
-StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/SharedStorage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/ddsharedstorage" `
-DataSet AmortizedCost `
-EndDate "2024-12-31" `
Creates a new scheduled export called Daily-MTD with StartDate = DateTime.Now and EndDate = 2024-12-31. Export is run immediately after creation.
Create a monthly export
New-FinopsCostExport -Name 'Monthly-Report' `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
-StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/SharedStorage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/ddsharedstorage" `
-DataSet AmortizedCost `
-StartDate $(Get-Date).AddDays(5) `
-EndDate "2024-08-15" `
-Monthly `
Creates a new monthly export called Monthly-Report with StartDate = 1 day from DateTime.Now and EndDate 2024-08-15. Export is run immediately after creation.
Create daily export and backfill four months
New-FinopsCostExport -Name 'Daily--MTD' `
-Scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" `
-StorageAccountId "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/SharedStorage/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/ddsharedstorage" `
-DataSet ActualCost `
-StorageContainer "costreports" `
-Backfill 4 `
Creates a new daily export called Daily-MTD with StartDate = DateTime.Now and EndDate 5 years from StartDate. Additionally, export cost data for the previous four months and save all results in costreports
container of the specified storage account.
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