class Dialog::TurnStatusReceivedEventArgs

class Dialog::TurnStatusReceivedEventArgs
  : public std::enable_shared_from_this< TurnStatusReceivedEventArgs >

Class for turn status event arguments.



Syntax: public friend DialogServiceConnector;


Syntax: public inline ~TurnStatusReceivedEventArgs ( );

Releases the event.


Syntax: public inline std::string GetInteractionId ( ) const;

Retrieves the interaction ID associated with this turn status event. Interaction generally correspond to a single input signal (e.g. voice utterance) or data/activity transaction and will correlate to 'replyToId' fields in Bot Framework activities.


The interaction ID associated with the turn status.


Syntax: public inline std::string GetConversationId ( ) const;

Retrieves the conversation ID associated with this turn status event. Conversations may span multiple interactions and are the unit which a client may request resume/retry upon.


The conversation ID associated with the turn status.


Syntax: public inline int GetStatusCode ( ) const;

Retrieves the numeric status code associated with this turn status event. These generally correspond to standard HTTP status codes such as 200 (OK), 400 (Failure/Bad Request), and 429 (Timeout/Throttled).


The status code associated with this event, analolgous to standard HTTP codes.