Compiler Error C2228
left of '.identifier' must have class/struct/union
The operand to the left of the period (.) is not a class, structure, or union.
The following sample generates C2228:
// C2228.cpp
int i;
struct S {
int member;
} s, *ps = &s;
int main() {
i.member = 0; // C2228 i is not a class type
ps.member = 0; // C2228 ps is a pointer to a structure
s.member = 0; // s is a structure type
ps->member = 0; // ps points to a structure S
You will also see this error if you use incorrect syntax when using Managed Extensions. Whereas in other Visual Studio languages, you can use the dot operator to access a member of a managed class, a pointer to the object in C++ means you have to use the -> operator to access the member:
Wrong: String * myString = checkedListBox1->CheckedItems->Item[0].ToString();
Right: String * myString = checkedListBox1->CheckedItems->Item[0]->ToString();