TN001: Window Class Registration
This note describes the MFC routines that register the special WNDCLASSes needed by Microsoft Windows. Specific WNDCLASS
attributes used by MFC and Windows are discussed.
The Problem
The attributes of a CWnd object, like an HWND
handle in Windows, are stored in two places: the window object and the WNDCLASS
. The name of the WNDCLASS
is passed to general window creation functions such as CWnd::Create and CFrameWnd::Create in the lpszClassName parameter.
must be registered through one of four means:
Implicitly by using a MFC provided
.Implicitly by subclassing a Windows control (or some other control).
Explicitly by calling the MFC AfxRegisterWndClass or AfxRegisterClass.
Explicitly by calling the Windows routine RegisterClass.
structure consists of various fields that describe a window class. The following table shows the fields and specifies how they are used in an MFC application:
Field | Description |
lpfnWndProc | window proc, must be an AfxWndProc |
cbClsExtra | not used (should be zero) |
cbWndExtra | not used (should be zero) |
hInstance | automatically filled with AfxGetInstanceHandle |
hIcon | icon for frame windows, see below |
hCursor | cursor for when mouse is over window, see below |
hbrBackground | background color, see below |
lpszMenuName | not used (should be NULL) |
lpszClassName | class name, see below |
Provided WNDCLASSes
Earlier versions of MFC (before MFC 4.0), provided several predefined Window classes. These Window classes are no longer provided by default. Applications should use AfxRegisterWndClass
with the appropriate parameters.
If the application provides a resource with the specified resource ID (for example, AFX_IDI_STD_FRAME), MFC will use that resource. Otherwise it will use the default resource. For the icon, the standard application icon is used, and for the cursor, the standard arrow cursor is used.
Two icons support MDI applications with single document types: one icon for the main application, the other icon for iconic document/MDIChild windows. For multiple document types with different icons, you must register additional WNDCLASS
es or use the CFrameWnd::LoadFrame function.
will register a WNDCLASS
using the icon ID you specify as the first parameter and the following standard attributes:
class style :
arrow cursor
COLOR_WINDOW background color
The values for background color and cursor for the CMDIFrameWnd are not used since the client area of the CMDIFrameWnd
is completely covered by the MDICLIENT window. Microsoft does not encourage subclassing the MDICLIENT window so use the standard colors and cursor types when possible.
Subclassing and Superclassing Controls
If you subclass or superclass a Windows control (for example, CButton) then your class automatically gets the WNDCLASS
attributes provided in the Windows implementation of that control.
The AfxRegisterWndClass Function
MFC provides a helper function for registering a window class. Given a set of attributes (window class style, cursor, background brush, and icon), a synthetic name is generated, and the resulting window class is registered. For example,
const char* AfxRegisterWndClass(UINT nClassStyle,
HCURSOR hCursor,
HBRUSH hbrBackground,
HICON hIcon);
This function returns a temporary string of the generated registered window class name. For more information about this function, see AfxRegisterWndClass.
The returned string is a temporary pointer to a static string buffer. It is valid until the next call to AfxRegisterWndClass
. If you want to keep this string around, store it in a CString variable, as in this example:
CString strWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLK, ...);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd;
pWnd->Create(strWndClass, ...);
will throw a CResourceException if the window class failed to register (either because of bad parameters, or out of Windows memory).
The RegisterClass and AfxRegisterClass Functions
If you want to do anything more sophisticated than what AfxRegisterWndClass
provides, you can call the Windows API RegisterClass
or the MFC function AfxRegisterClass
. The CWnd
, CFrameWnd and CMDIChildWnd Create
functions take a lpszClassName string name for the window class as the first parameter. You can use any registered window class name, regardless of the method you used to register it.
It is important to use AfxRegisterClass
(or AfxRegisterWndClass
) in a DLL on Win32. Win32 does not automatically unregister classes registered by a DLL, so you must explicitly unregister classes when the DLL is terminated. By using AfxRegisterClass
instead of RegisterClass
this is handled automatically for you. AfxRegisterClass
maintains a list of unique classes registered by your DLL and will automatically unregister them when the DLL terminates. When you use RegisterClass
in a DLL, you must ensure that all classes are unregistered when the DLL is terminated (in your DllMain function). Failure to do so might cause RegisterClass
to fail unexpectedly when another client application tries to use your DLL.