Collect support logs in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint using live response

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When contacting support, you might be asked to provide the output package of the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer tool.

This article provides instructions on how to run the tool via Live Response on Windows and on Linux machines.


  1. Download and fetch the required scripts available from within the Tools subdirectory of the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer.

    For example, to get the basic sensor and device health logs, fetch ..\Tools\MDELiveAnalyzer.ps1.

    • If you require additional logs related to Microsoft Defender Antivirus, then use ..\Tools\MDELiveAnalyzerAV.ps1.
    • If you require Microsoft Endpoint Data Loss Prevention related logs, then use ..\Tools\MDELiveAnalyzerDLP.ps1.
    • If you require network and Windows Filter Platform related logs, then use ..\Tools\MDELiveAnalyzerNet.ps1.
    • If you require Process Monitor logs, then use ..\Tools\MDELiveAnalyzerDLP.ps1.
  2. Initiate a Live Response session on the machine you need to investigate.

  3. Select Upload file to library.

    The upload file

  4. Select Choose file.

    The choose file button-1

  5. Select the downloaded file named MDELiveAnalyzer.ps1, and then select on Confirm.

    The choose file button-2

    Repeat this step for the file.

  6. While still in the LiveResponse session, use the following commands to run the analyzer and collect the resulting file.

    Run MDELiveAnalyzer.ps1
    GetFile "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\Downloads\MDECA\"

    Image of commands.

Additional information

  • The latest preview version of MDEClientAnalyzer can be downloaded here:

  • If you can't allow the machine to reach the above URL, then upload file to the library before running the LiveAnalyzer script:

    PutFile -overwrite
    Run MDELiveAnalyzer.ps1
    GetFile "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\Downloads\MDECA\"
  • For more information on gathering data locally on a machine in case the machine isn't communicating with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint cloud services, or doesn't appear in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint portal as expected, see Verify client connectivity to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service URLs.

  • As described in Live response command examples, you might want to use the & symbol at the end of the command to collect logs as a background action:

    Run MDELiveAnalyzer.ps1&


The XMDE Client Analyzer tool can be downloaded as a binary or Python package that can be extracted and executed on Linux machines. Both versions of the XMDE Client Analyzer can be executed during a Live Response session.


  • For installation the unzip package is required.

  • For execution the acl package is required.


Window uses the Carriage Return and Line Feed invisible characters to represent the end of one line and beginning of a new line in a file, but Linux systems uses only the Line Feed invisible character at the end of its file lines. When using the following scripts, if done on Windows, this difference can result in errors and failures of the scripts to run. A potential solution to this is to utilize the Windows Subsystem for Linux and the dos2unix package to reformat the script so it aligns with the Unix and Linux format standard.

Installing the XMDE Client Analyzer

Both versions of XMDE Client Analyzer, binary and Python, a self-contained package that must be downloaded and extracted before executing, and the complete set of steps for this process can be found:

Due to the limited commands available in Live Response the steps detailed must be executed in a bash script, and by splitting the installation and execution portion of these commands it's possible to run the install script once, while running the execution script multiple times.


The example scripts assume the machine has direct internet access and can retrieve the XMDE Client Analyzer from Microsoft. If the machine does not have direct internet access then the installation scripts will need to be updated to fetch the XMDE Client Analyzer from a location the machines can access successfully.

Binary Client Analyzer Install Script

The following script performs the first six steps of the Running the Binary version of the Client Analyzer. When complete, the XMDE Client Analyzer binary is available from the /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ClientAnalyzer directory.

  1. Create a bash file and paste the following content into it.

    #! /usr/bin/bash
    echo "Starting Client Analyzer Script. Running As:"
    echo "Getting XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary"
    wget --quiet -O /tmp/
    echo '9D0552DBBD1693D2E2ED55F36147019CFECFDC009E76BAC4186CF03CD691B469 /tmp/' | sha256sum -c
    echo "Unzipping"
    unzip -q /tmp/ -d /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary
    echo "Unzipping"
    unzip -q /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ -d /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ClientAnalyzer
    echo "MDESupportTool installed at /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ClientAnalyzer"

Python Client Analyzer Install Script

The following script performs the first six steps of the Running the Python version of the Client Analyzer. When complete, the XMDE Client Analyzer Python scripts are available from the /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzer directory.

  1. Create a bash file and paste the following content into it.

    #! /usr/bin/bash
    echo "Starting Client Analyzer Install Script. Running As:"
    echo "Getting"
    wget --quiet -O 
    echo '36C2B13AE657456119F3DC2A898FD9D354499A33F65015670CE2CD8A937F3C66' | sha256sum -c  
    echo "Unzipping"
    unzip -q -d /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzer  
    echo "Setting execute permissions on script"
    cd /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzer 
    chmod a+x  
    echo "Performing final support tool setup"

Running the Client Analyzer Install Scripts

  1. Initiate a Live Response session on the machine you need to investigate.

  2. Select Upload file to library.

  3. Select Choose file.

  4. Select the downloaded file named, and then select Confirm.

  5. While still in the LiveResponse session, use the following commands to install the analyzer:


Running the XMDE Client Analyzer

Live Response doesn't support running the XMDE Client Analyzer or Python directly, so an execution script is necessary.


The following scripts assume the XMDE Client Analyzer was installed using the same locations from the scripts mentioned earlier. If your organization has chosen to install the scripts into a different location, then the following scripts need to be updated to align with your organization's chosen installation location.

Binary Client Analyzer Run Script

The Binary Client Analyzer accepts command line parameters to perform different analysis tests. To provide similar capabilities during Live Response the execution script takes advantage of the $@ bash variable to pass all input parameters provided to the script to the XMDE Client Analyzer.

  1. Create a bash file and paste the following content into it.

    #! /usr/bin/bash
    echo "cd /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ClientAnalyzer"
    cd /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzerBinary/ClientAnalyzer
    echo "Running MDESupportTool"
    ./MDESupportTool $@

Python Client Analyzer Run Script

The Python Client Analyzer accepts command line parameters to perform different analysis tests. To provide similar capabilities during Live Response the execution script takes advantage of the $@ bash variable to pass all input parameters provided to the script to the XMDE Client Analyzer.

  1. Create a bash file and paste the following content into it.

    #! /usr/bin/bash  
    echo "cd /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzer"
    cd /tmp/XMDEClientAnalyzer 
    echo "Running mde_support_tool"
    ./ $@

Running the Client Analyzer Script


If you have an active Live Response session you can skip Step 1.

  1. Initiate a Live Response session on the machine you need to investigate.

  2. Select Upload file to library.

  3. Select Choose file.

  4. Select the downloaded file named, and then select Confirm.

  5. While still in the Live Response session, use the following commands to run the analyzer and collect the resulting file.

    run -parameters "--bypass-disclaimer -d"
    GetFile "/tmp/"

See also


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