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RouteDirections.OptimizedWaypoints Property


Optimized sequence of waypoints. It shows the index from the user provided waypoint sequence for the original and optimized list. For instance, a response:

<waypoint providedIndex="0" optimizedIndex="1"/>
<waypoint providedIndex="1" optimizedIndex="2"/>
<waypoint providedIndex="2" optimizedIndex="0"/>

means that the original sequence is [0, 1, 2] and optimized sequence is [1, 2, 0]. Since the index starts by 0 the original is "first, second, third" while the optimized is "second, third, first".

public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Azure.Maps.Routing.Models.RouteOptimizedWaypoint> OptimizedWaypoints { get; }
member this.OptimizedWaypoints : System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<Azure.Maps.Routing.Models.RouteOptimizedWaypoint>
Public ReadOnly Property OptimizedWaypoints As IReadOnlyList(Of RouteOptimizedWaypoint)

Property Value

Applies to