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TypedDelta Class


Represents a Delta that can be used when a backing CLR type exists for the entity type and complex type whose changes are tracked.

public abstract class TypedDelta : Microsoft.AspNet.OData.Delta
type TypedDelta = class
    inherit Delta
Public MustInherit Class TypedDelta
Inherits Delta





Gets the expected type of the entity for which the changes are tracked.


Gets the actual type of the structural object for which the changes are tracked.



Clears the Delta and resets the underlying Entity.

(Inherited from Delta)

Returns the Properties that have been modified through this Delta as an enumeration of Property Names

(Inherited from Delta)

Returns the Properties that have not been modified through this Delta as an enumeration of Property Names

(Inherited from Delta)
TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder, Object)

Overrides the DynamicObject TryGetMember method, so that only the properties of Entity can be got.

(Inherited from Delta)
TryGetPropertyType(String, Type)

Attempts to get the Type of the Property called name from the underlying Entity. Only properties that exist on Entity can be retrieved. Both modified and unmodified properties can be retrieved.

(Inherited from Delta)
TryGetPropertyValue(String, Object)

Attempts to get the value of the Property called name from the underlying Entity. Only properties that exist on Entity can be retrieved. Both modified and unmodified properties can be retrieved.

(Inherited from Delta)
TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder, Object)

Overrides the DynamicObject TrySetMember method, so that only the properties of Entity can be set.

(Inherited from Delta)
TrySetPropertyValue(String, Object)

Attempts to set the Property called name to the value specified. Only properties that exist on Entity can be set. If there is a type mismatch the request will fail.

(Inherited from Delta)

Applies to