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OfferV2 Class


Represents the Standard pricing offer for a resource in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

public sealed class OfferV2 : Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Offer
type OfferV2 = class
    inherit Offer
Public NotInheritable Class OfferV2
Inherits Offer


Currently, offers are only bound to the collection resource.


OfferV2(Int32, Nullable<Boolean>)

Initializes a Resource offer with the Standard pricing tier for the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Initializes a Resource offer with the Standard pricing tier for the Azure Cosmos DB service.

OfferV2(Offer, Int32, Nullable<Boolean>)

Initializes a Resource offer with the Standard pricing tier, from a reference Offer object for the Azure Cosmos DB service.

OfferV2(Offer, Int32)

Initializes a Resource offer with the Standard pricing tier, from a reference Offer object for the Azure Cosmos DB service.



Gets the alt-link associated with the resource from the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets or sets the OfferContent for the resource offer in the Azure Cosmos DB service.


Gets the entity tag associated with the resource from the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets or sets the Id of the resource in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets or sets the OfferType for the resource offer in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Offer)

Gets or sets the version of this offer resource in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Offer)

Gets or sets the Resource Id associated with the resource in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets or sets the self-link of a resource to which the resource offer applies to in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Offer)

Gets the self-link associated with the resource from the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Gets the last modified timestamp associated with the resource from the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)



Compares the offer object with the current offer

(Inherited from Offer)

Compares the offer object with the current offer


Gets property value associated with the specified property name from the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)
LoadFrom(JsonReader, JsonSerializerSettings)

Loads the object from the specified JSON reader in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from JsonSerializable)

Loads the object from the specified JSON reader in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from JsonSerializable)
SaveTo(Stream, SerializationFormattingPolicy, JsonSerializerSettings)

Saves the object to the specified stream in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from JsonSerializable)
SaveTo(Stream, SerializationFormattingPolicy)

Saves the object to the specified stream in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from JsonSerializable)
SetPropertyValue(String, Object)

Sets property value associated with the specified property name in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Serialize to a byte array via SaveTo for the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from Resource)

Returns the string representation of the object in the Azure Cosmos DB service.

(Inherited from JsonSerializable)

Applies to