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ICrossRegionRestoreOperations Interface


CrossRegionRestoreOperations operations.

public interface ICrossRegionRestoreOperations
type ICrossRegionRestoreOperations = interface
Public Interface ICrossRegionRestoreOperations


BeginTriggerWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

TriggerWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

Extension Methods

BeginTrigger(ICrossRegionRestoreOperations, String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

BeginTriggerAsync(ICrossRegionRestoreOperations, String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest, CancellationToken)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

Trigger(ICrossRegionRestoreOperations, String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

TriggerAsync(ICrossRegionRestoreOperations, String, CrossRegionRestoreRequest, CancellationToken)

Restores the specified backed up data in a different region as compared to where the data is backed up.

Applies to