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CoreWebView2SaveAsUIResult Enum


Status of a programmatic Save As call. Indicates the result of the ShowSaveAsUI method.

public enum CoreWebView2SaveAsUIResult
type CoreWebView2SaveAsUIResult = 
Public Enum CoreWebView2SaveAsUIResult


Name Value Description
Success 0

The ShowSaveAsUI method call completed successfully. By default, the system Save As dialog opens. If SuppressDefaultDialog is set to TRUE, the system dialog is skipped.

InvalidPath 1

Could not perform Save As because the destination file path is an invalid path.

        The path is invalid when it is empty, a relative path, or a directory,
        or when the parent path does not exist.
FileAlreadyExists 2

Could not perform Save As because the destination file path already exists and replacing files was not allowed by the AllowReplace property.

KindNotSupported 3

Could not perform Save As because the Kind property selection is not supported due to content MIME type or system limits.

        See the `COREWEBVIEW2_SAVE_AS_KIND` enum for MIME type limits.

        System limits include when the `HTML_ONLY` kind is selected for an error page
        at child mode, or when the `COMPLETE` kind is selected and the WebView is
        running in an App Container.
Cancelled 4

Did not perform Save As because the end user cancelled or the Cancel property on ICoreWebView2SaveAsUIShowingEventArgs was set to TRUE.

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