Touch menu for moving between activities and navigating lists of information


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically - Nov 9, 2021

Business value

Instinctual touch interactions in the HoloLens app make it much easier and more intuitive to use the HoloLens app. For example, users can find and open a guide very quickly. They can use the same intuitive touch interface to start a call and consult with a remote collaborator while working with a guide.

Feature details

When a user raises their hand and looks at their palm, a new touch menu (Main menu) appears that expedites opening a guide or starting a call. The Main menu doesn’t follow users around in their environment, which helps avoid holographic clutter, but users can summon the Main menu very quickly by looking at the palm of their hand again.

Other touch-first screens include:

  • Sign in
  • Select an instance
  • Select a guide or a contact
  • Select a guide mode (Author or Operate)
  • Start or end a call
  • Active call window
  • Settings
  • Profile (sign out)

Main menu with buttons for opening a guide, starting a call, changing a setting, or signing out.

See also

Use the Main menu in Dynamics 365 Guides to start an activity (docs)