Codeunit "Feature Telemetry"

ID 8703
Namespace: System.Telemetry

Provides functionality for emitting telemetry in a universal format. Only system metadata is to be emitted through this codeunit.


Every publisher needs to have an implementation of the "Telemetry Logger" interface and a subscriber to "Telemetry Loggers".OnRegisterTelemetryLogger event in one of their apps in order for this codeunit to work as expected (see "System Telemetry Logger" codeunit).


Name Value
Access Public
InherentEntitlements X
InherentPermissions X



Sends telemetry about feature usage.

procedure LogUsage(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, EventName: Text)


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

EventName Text

The name of the event.


FeatureTelemetry.LogUsage('0000XYZ', 'Emailing', 'Email sent');


Sends telemetry about feature usage.

procedure LogUsage(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, EventName: Text, CustomDimensions: Dictionary of [Text, Text])


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

EventName Text

The name of the event.

CustomDimensions Dictionary of [Text, Text]

A dictionary containing additional information about the event.


TranslationHelper.SetGlobalLanguageToDefault(); CustomDimensions.Add('JobQueueObjectType', Format(JobQueueEntry."Object Type to Run")); CustomDimensions.Add('JobQueueObjectId', Format(JobQueueEntry."Object ID to Run")); FeatureTelemetry.LogUsage('0000XYZ', 'Job Queue', 'Job executed', CustomDimensions); TranslationHelper.RestoreGlobalLanguage();


Custom dimensions often contain information translated in different languages. It is a common practice to send telemetry in the default language (see example).


Sends telemetry about errors happening during feature usage.

procedure LogError(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, EventName: Text, ErrorText: Text)


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the error.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

EventName Text

The name of the event.

ErrorText Text

The text of the error.


if not Success then FeatureTelemetry.LogError('0000XYZ', 'Retention policies', 'Applying a policy', GetLastErrorText(true));


Sends telemetry about errors happening during feature usage.

procedure LogError(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, EventName: Text, ErrorText: Text, ErrorCallStack: Text)


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the error.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

EventName Text

The name of the event.

ErrorText Text

The text of the error.

ErrorCallStack Text

The error call stack.


if not Success then FeatureTelemetry.LogError('0000XYZ', 'Configuration packages', 'Importing a package', GetLastErrorText(true), GetLastErrorCallStack());


Sends telemetry about errors happening during feature usage.

procedure LogError(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, EventName: Text, ErrorText: Text, ErrorCallStack: Text, CustomDimensions: Dictionary of [Text, Text])


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the error.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

EventName Text

The name of the event.

ErrorText Text

The text of the error.

ErrorCallStack Text

The error call stack.

CustomDimensions Dictionary of [Text, Text]

A dictionary containing additional information about the error.


if not Success then begin TranslationHelper.SetGlobalLanguageToDefault(); CustomDimensions.Add('UpdateEntity', Format(AzureADUserUpdateBuffer."Update Entity")); FeatureTelemetry.LogError('0000XYZ', 'User management', 'Syncing users with M365', GetLastErrorText(true), GetLastErrorCallStack(), CustomDimensions); TranslationHelper.RestoreGlobalLanguage(); end;


Custom dimensions often contain infromation translated in different languages. It is a common practice to send telemetry in the default language (see example).


Sends telemetry about feature uptake.

procedure LogUptake(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, FeatureUptakeStatus: Enum "Feature Uptake Status")


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

FeatureUptakeStatus System.Telemetry."Feature Uptake Status"

The new status of the feature uptake.


Expected feature uptake transitions: "Discovered" -> "Set up" -> "Used" (and only in this order; for example, if for a given feature the first status was logged as "Set up", no telemetry will be emitted) Any state -> "Undiscovered" (to reset the feature uptake status)


Sends telemetry about feature uptake.

procedure LogUptake(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, FeatureUptakeStatus: Enum "Feature Uptake Status", CustomDimensions: Dictionary of [Text, Text])


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

FeatureUptakeStatus System.Telemetry."Feature Uptake Status"

The new status of the feature uptake.

CustomDimensions Dictionary of [Text, Text]

A dictionary containing additional information about the event.


Expected feature uptake transitions: "Discovered" -> "Set up" -> "Used" (and only in this order; for example, if for a given feature the first status was logged as "Set up", no telemetry will be emitted) Any state -> "Undiscovered" (to reset the feature uptake status)


Sends telemetry about feature uptake.

procedure LogUptake(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, FeatureUptakeStatus: Enum "Feature Uptake Status", IsPerUser: Boolean)


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

FeatureUptakeStatus System.Telemetry."Feature Uptake Status"

The new status of the feature uptake.

IsPerUser Boolean

Specifies if the feature is targeted to be uptaken once for the tenant or uptaken individually by different users.


Expected feature uptake transitions: "Discovered" -> "Set up" -> "Used" (and only in this order; for example, if for a given feature the first status was logged as "Set up", no telemetry will be emitted) Any state -> "Undiscovered" (to reset the feature uptake status)


Sends telemetry about feature uptake.

procedure LogUptake(EventId: Text, FeatureName: Text, FeatureUptakeStatus: Enum "Feature Uptake Status", IsPerUser: Boolean, CustomDimensions: Dictionary of [Text, Text])


Name Type Description
EventId Text

A unique ID of the event.

FeatureName Text

The name of the feature.

FeatureUptakeStatus System.Telemetry."Feature Uptake Status"

The new status of the feature uptake.

IsPerUser Boolean

Specifies if the feature is targeted to be uptaken once for the tenant or uptaken individually by different users.

CustomDimensions Dictionary of [Text, Text]

A dictionary containing additional information about the event.


Expected feature uptake transitions: "Discovered" -> "Set up" -> "Used" (and only in this order; for example, if for a given feature the first status was logged as "Set up", no telemetry will be emitted) Any state -> "Undiscovered" (to reset the feature uptake status)

See also