SessionSettingsHandler attribute

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 3.0.

Specifies a SessionSettingsHandler method, which handles RequestSessionUpdate statements.

Applies to

  • Method


The SessionSettingsHandler attribute can only be set inside codeunits with the SubType property set to Test.


Version: Available or changed with runtime version 3.0.

procedure SessionSettingsHandler(var SessionSettings: SessionSettings) : Boolean;


The above signature requires the SessionSettingsHandler method to be global. For more information, see Local and global scope in AL methods.


 Type: SessionSettings
Session settings object to be populated


The SessionSettingsHandler method is called when SessionSetting is updated.

You use handler methods to automate tests by handling instances when user interaction is required by the code that is being tested by the test method. In these instances, the handler method is run instead of the requested user interface. The handler method should simulate the user interaction for the test case, such as validating messages, making selections, or entering values. You declare a handler type attribute on the method. For more information about handler methods, see Create Handler Methods.

AL Method Reference
Method Attributes
Test Codeunits and Test Functions