Search resource availability API

Field service organizations need to schedule work, often through a service agent directly by the customer. Bookings are typically created based on the resources available to the company and the requirements of the work.

When using at least Dynamics 365 Field Service v8.8.43.51 and Universal Resource Scheduling v3.12.46.21 to schedule work, the msdyn_SearchResourceAvailability API can be used to retrieve all the eligible resources for the job, to allow for efficient scheduling of the work. At the time of writing, v3 is the latest version of msdyn_SearchResourceAvailability and supports web API calls.


Using the latest version of the API is highly recommended as older versions may use deprecated authentication methods.

Input parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
Version String The version number of the API identifies the version of the API that should be invoked. It follows the format of major.minor.patch. The request doesn't have to contain the complete version number.

  • If only a major version is specified, it invokes the highest minor and patch version available for that major version.
  • If both major and minor versions are specified, it invokes the highest patch version available.
  • If all three parts of the version are mentioned, it invokes the exact version of the API specified.
  • Yes -N/A-
    IsWebApi Boolean Set to True in order to use the schedule assistant via the web API. Yes -N/A-
    Requirement Entity This attribute specifies the resource requirement for which resource availability is being retrieved. It's expected to be a msdyn_resourcerequirement type entity. The requirement can be a preexisting record from the database, or one created on the fly with the necessary constraints. The entity should contain all the specifics that are relevant for your search. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_requirement. The following some important attributes to populate:
    1. msdyn_fromdate (DateTime): Requirement's from date in ISO format
    2. msdyn_todate (DateTime): Requirement's to date in ISO format
    3. msdyn_remainingduration (Integer): The remaining duration of the requirement in minutes
    4. msdyn_duration (Integer): The total duration of the requirement in minutes
    Yes -N/A-
    Settings Entity The settings attribute helps to filter the retrieved resources further. Settings are specified as attributes in an entity bag. The type of entity doesn't matter. You can specify any entity logical name. Yes -N/A-
    ResourceSpecification Entity The resourceSpecification attribute is defined as attributes in an entity bag. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando. No None

    Settings entity

    The settings entity isn't an entity that exists in the Dataverse; however, it's a collection of all the following attributes that helps the schedule assistant API filter results. Thus, the @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando.

    Name Type Description Required Default
    ConsiderSlotsWithLessThanRequiredCapacity Boolean Set this to True if a time slot with less than the required capacity (effort) should be considered when computing potential available time slots on the resource's calendar. No False
    ConsiderSlotsWithLessThanRequiredDuration Boolean Set this to True if a time slot with less than the required duration should be considered when computing potential available time slots on the resource's calendar. No False
    ConsiderSlotsWithOverlappingBooking Boolean Set this to True if a time slot with overlapping bookings should be considered when computing potential available time slots on the resource's calendar. No False
    ConsiderSlotsWithProposedBookings Boolean Set this to True if a time slot with proposed bookings should be considered when computing potential available time slots on the resource's calendar. No False
    ConsiderAppointments Boolean Set this to True for search resource availability API to respect existing Dataverse appointments as bookings on the resource, provided the organization and resource level settings have been set. Appointments with statuses Busy or Completed will be considered as unavailable for scheduling operations. No False
    ConsiderTravelTime Boolean Set this to True if travel time should be considered when computing potential time slots on the resource's calendar. No True
    MovePastStartDateToCurrentDate Boolean Set this to True to move a start date in the past to the current date. No False
    UseRealTimeResourceLocation Boolean Set this to True if the real-time location of resources should be used when computing potential time slots on the resource's calendar. No False
    SortOrder Entity The sort order can be specified using an entity collection. Each entity in the collection represents one sort criteria. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando. The following are the attributes you need to populate:
    1. Name (String): The sort criteria
    2. SortOrder (Integer): The sort direction (0 for ascending and 1 for descending)
    No None
    MaxResourceTravelRadius Entity This attribute specifies the maximum that can be defined in an entity. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando. The following are the attributes you need to populate:
    1. Value (Decimal): The radius
    2. Unit (Integer): The distance unit. See msdyn_distance unit option set for possible values.
    No 0 km. If that's the case, no resources are returned for onsite requirements.
    MaxNumberOfResourcesToEvaluate Integer This attribute defines a limit on the number of resources that are considered for the request. No Resource Availability Retrieval Limit from schedulable entity definition
    ConsiderOutlookSchedules Boolean Set this to True if schedules from Outlook should be considered. Only available in versions 3.1.0 and later No False

    Resource specification entity

    Name Type Description Required Default
    ResourceTypes EntityCollection This attribute specifies the resource type required for the requirement. It can be specified using an entity collection. Each entity in the collection represents one bookable resource type. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_resourceType. This is the attribute required:
    1. Value (Integer): The option set value that represents the resource type:
      • 1- Generic
      • 2- Contact
      • 3- User
      • 4- Equipment
      • 5- Account
      • 6- Crew
      • 7- Facility
      • 8- Pools
    No All resource types except crews
    PreferredResources EntityCollection This attribute specifies the resources preferred for the requirement. Adding resources to this entity collection ensures that they are at the top of the list of available resources. Even resources that aren't a part of the entity collection will be on the list, but only after the preferred resources. No None
    RestrictedResources EntityCollection This attribute specifies the resources that shouldn't be considered for the requirement. All time slots of this resource will be filtered out of the list of results from this API. No None
    MustChooseFromResources EntityCollection This attribute specifies the only resources that can be on the list of available resources. It filters out all the other results from the output list.
    Constraints Entity This attribute specifies the additional constraints that should be applied to the retrieval of available resources. No None
    RetrieveResourcesQueryId Guid The ID for the Retrieve Resources query. No The default Retrieve Resource Query ID.
    BookedResourceId Guid This attribute specifies the resource currently booked for the requirement. No None


    The Preferred/ Restricted / MustChooseFrom resources attributes can be specified using an entity collection of bookable resource entities. Each entity in the collection represents one Preferred / Restricted / MustChooseFrom resource. This is the attribute required for them:

    1. Value (Guid): The bookable resource ID of the Preferred / Restricted / MustChooseFrom resource. The @odata.type for this entity should be Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_bookableresource.


    Additional constraints can be specified through attributes in this entity. The type of entity doesn't matter. You can specify any entity logical name.

    Review the Retrieve Resources Query on the schedule board settings to identify which constraints might apply. By default, it includes the following:

    Name Type Description
    Characteristics EntityCollection A collection of characteristic IDs that a qualified resource must have.
    Roles EntityCollection A collection of role IDs that a qualified resource must have.
    Territories EntityCollection A collection of territory IDs. A qualified resource must be assigned to one of the territories.
    UnspecifiedTerritory Boolean In combination with the territories constraint, specifies that a qualified must be assigned to one of the territories or no territory at all.
    OrganizationalUnits EntityCollection A collection of organizational unit IDs. A qualified resource must be a member of one of the specified organizational units.
    Teams EntityCollection A collection of team IDs. A qualified resource must belong to one of the teams (implies that the resource type is a system user).
    BusinessUnits EntityCollection A of collection of business unit IDs. A qualified resource must belong to one of the business units (implies that the resource is a system user).

    Output parameters

    At the highest level, the output has the following four parameters. The results are represented in entity collections and entities. Responses might not include all the attributes described here as null value or not NA values are omitted from the response. Always check for the presence of an attribute before trying to access it.

    Name Type Description
    TimeSlots EntityCollection A collection of time slot results. For more information, see (time slot entity)[#time-slots-entity] section.
    Resources EntityCollection A collection of resource results. Resources are represented as a collection of entities with the following attributes:
    1. BookableResource (Entity): The bookable resource entity that is available for the requirement.
    2. TotalAvailableTime (Double): The total available time for the resource to perform the requirement.
    Related Entity Related resources represent resources and time slots of resources that aren't directly qualified for the requested requirement but are related. For example, if a crew member qualifies for a requirement, then the other members of that crew would be related results.
    1. Timeslots (EntityCollection): Time slots of related resources. The definition of time slots is the same as described in the time slots section.
    2. Resources (EntityCollection): The related resources. The definition of resources is the same as described in the resources attribute definition.
    Exceptions Entity This attribute contains information about any exception that occurred and information about if and where the resource search was truncated.
    1. Message (String): Exception message
    2. ResourcesTruncatedAt (Integer): If the number of resources exceeded the retrieval limit; the number where the resources where truncated.

    Time slots entity

    Name Type Description
    ID Guid Unique identifier for the time slot
    Type Integer The type of time slot can be one of the following:
    • 0: Available
    • 1: Scheduled
    • 2: Off
    • 3: Break
    StartTime DateTime The start time of the time slot. If there's travel for the requirement, then this is the start time of travel. If not, this is the start time of the requirement.
    ArrivalTime DateTime The arrival time of the time slot. If there's travel for the requirement, then this is the start time of requirement, after travel has been completed. If not, it's the same as the start time of the time slot.
    EndTime DateTime The end time of the time slot.
    Effort Integer The effort or capacity of the resource to carry out the requirements.
    ResourceRequirement EntityReference The resource requirement for which time slots are being retrieved.
    Potential Boolean A boolean value indicating if the time slot has potential to fulfill the requested requirement.
    IsDuplicate Boolean A boolean value indicating if the time slot is a duplicate.
    AllowOverlapping Boolean A boolean value indicating if overlapping is allowed.
    Resource Entity The resource to which the time slot belongs. For more information, see time slot resource.
    Location Entity The location has three attributes:
    1. Location (Entity): It has two attributes -
      • Latitude
      • Longitude
    2. WorkLocation (Integer): It has three attributes -
      • Onsite
      • Facility
      • Location Agnostic
    3. LocationSourceSlot (Integer): The source of location information has three attributes -
      • Common
      • Custom GPS entity
      • Mobile audit
    Travel Entity This entity contains details of travel time and distance information for a time slot. The following are the attributes:
    1. Distance (Double): The travel distance
    2. TravelTime (Double): The travel time in minutes.
    3. DistanceFromStartLocation (Double): The distance from the resource’s start location.
    4. DistanceFromEndLocation (Double): The distance from the resource’s end location.
    5. DistanceMethodSourceSlot (Integer): The source / calculation type of the distance values
      • Map Service
      • As the crow flies
    Next Entity This entity contains details about the travel time and distance to the next time slot booking.
    1. NextScheduleLocation (Entity): The location of the next booking. The entity has two attributes:
      • Latitude
      • Longitude
    2. NextScheduleTravelTime (Integer): The travel time to the next booking in minutes.
    Availability Entity The detailed availability information for a time slot. This is used with time groups.
    1. AvailableIntervals (EntityCollection): A collection of available intervals. Each entity in this collection contains details about a time group interval.
      • StartTime (DateTime): The start time.
      • ArrivalTime (DateTime): The arrival time.
      • EndTime (DateTime): The end time.
      • TimeGroupId (DateTime): The time group ID.
      • TimeGroupDetailStartTime (DateTime): The time group start time.
      • TimeGroupDetailEndTime (DateTime): The time group end time.
    2. TotalAvailableDuration (Double): The total available duration in minutes.
    3. TotalAvailableTime (Double): The total available time a resource has in a day (in minutes).
    TimeGroup Entity The details about a time group.
    1. TimeGroupId (Guid): The time group ID.
    2. TimeGroupDetail (EntityReference): An entity reference to the time group detail.
    3. TimeGroupDetailStartTime (DateTime): The time group detail start time.
    4. TimeGroupDetailEndTime (DateTime): The time group detail end time.


    When you create bookings with the API, use the Potential field described in the table. Not using that field might lead to overlapping or unsuitable bookings.

    Time slot resource

    Name Type Description
    Resource EntityReference An entity reference to the bookable resource.
    ResourceGroup EntityReference An entity reference to the bookable resource group.
    BusinessUnit EntityReference An entity reference to the business unit.
    OrganizationalUnit EntityReference An entity reference to the organizational unit.
    ResourceType Integer The resource type. See the ResourceType attribute on the BookableResource entity for possible values.
    PoolId Guid The ID of the pool that the resource is a member of during the time slot.
    CrewId Guid The ID of the crew that the resource is a member of during the time slot.
    Characteristics EntityCollection The bookable resource characteristics. Each entity in the collection contains entities with characteristics and rating information.
    1. Characteristic (EntityReference): An entity reference to the characteristic.
    2. RatingId (Guid) The rating ID for the characteristic.
    3. RatingName (String): The rating name.
    4. RatingValue (Integer): The rating value.
    HasStartLocation Boolean A boolean value indicating if the resource has a start location.
    HasEndLocation Boolean A boolean value indicating if the resource has an end location.
    Email String The resource’s email address.
    Phone String The resource’s phone number.
    ImagePath String The path to the resource’s image.
    CalendarId Guid The resource’s calendar ID.


    In this example, v3 of schedule assistant API, which allows for web API calls, is being used for a requirement of duration 60 minutes. Using the settings attribute, the results are being filtered down. Two resource types are being considered for the final results: 1 and 2 (in other words, generic and contact).

        "Version": "3",
        "IsWebApi": true,
        "Requirement": {
            "msdyn_fromdate": "2021-07-14T00:00:00Z",
            "msdyn_todate": "2021-07-15T23:59:00Z",
            "msdyn_remainingduration": 60,
            "msdyn_duration": 60,
            "msdyn_TimeGroup@odata.bind": "/msdyn_timegroups(c3dc79ea-d12f-ee11-9cc9-000d3a745a58)",
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_resourcerequirement"
        "Settings": {
            "ConsiderSlotsWithProposedBookings": false,
            "MovePastStartDateToCurrentDate": true,
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando"
        "ResourceSpecification": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
            "ResourceTypes@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
            "ResourceTypes": [
                    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                    "value": "1"
                    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                    "value": "2"
            "Constraints": {
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                "Characteristics@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
                "Characteristics": [
                        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                            "value": "67387f9f-12e2-ec11-bb43-000d3aed25f7"
                "Territories@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
                "Territories": [
                        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                        "value": "cc19f004-4483-ee11-8178-000d3a5c32c3"

    The following example demonstrates proper usage of entity collections. In this case, it specifies MustChooseFromResources.

        "Version": "3",
        "IsWebApi": true,
        "Requirement": {
            "msdyn_fromdate": "2021-07-14T00:00:00Z",
            "msdyn_todate": "2021-07-15T23:59:00Z",
            "msdyn_remainingduration": 60,
            "msdyn_duration": 60,
            "msdyn_TimeGroup@odata.bind": "/msdyn_timegroups(c3dc79ea-d12f-ee11-9cc9-000d3a745a58)",
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.msdyn_resourcerequirement"
        "Settings": {
            "ConsiderSlotsWithProposedBookings": false,
            "MovePastStartDateToCurrentDate": true,
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando"
        "ResourceSpecification": {
            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
            "ResourceTypes@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
            "ResourceTypes": [
                    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                    "value": "1"
                    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                    "value": "2"
            "MustChooseFromResources@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
            "MustChooseFromResources": [
                    "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                    "value": "2145a982-f718-ed11-b83e-0022482d79c8",
            "Constraints": {
                "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                "Characteristics@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
                "Characteristics": [
                        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                        "characteristic": {
                            "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                            "value": "67387f9f-12e2-ec11-bb43-000d3aed25f7"
                "Territories@odata.type": "Collection(Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando)",
                "Territories": [
                        "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.expando",
                        "value": "cc19f004-4483-ee11-8178-000d3a5c32c3"