Wave label printing

Wave label printing offers an alternative approach to label printing by introducing a new wave step method that lets you create and print labels directly from the wave template during wave execution. Therefore, the labels will already be available before workers run the work order on a mobile device. Workers can then attach the required labels during picking instead of after picking.

Wave label printing uses Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) to create label layouts. A label layout is divided into three sections (header, body, and footer) to allow for labels that have repeating structure. Wave label templates tell the system which label layout to use. Users can specify which printer is used. They can also print labels on several printers at the same time, as they require. The Wave label history page shows a record of all labels that have been created by using this setup.

You can print and collate labels based on work headers, you can print break labels per work header, and you can print container content labels, case labels, and other similar labels.


This functionality doesn't replace existing label printing functionality that is based on document routing.

Wave label printing offers the following enhancements:

  • Print labels according to the number of cartons on a single work line, without using containerization. (A "carton" is a unit that is designated on unit sequence group lines.)
  • Print several different label sequences (for example, carton and pallet labels).
  • Include label enumeration (for example, 1/124, 2/124, ... 124/124), and define the range of enumeration (for example, work line, load line, or shipment).
  • Create and print a bill of lading ID on labels before the bill of lading is generated.
  • Create a unique serial shipping container code (SSCC) for each carton, and include it on each label.
  • Create GS1-compliant number sequences for bill of lading IDs and SSCCs.
  • Reprint labels from both mobile devices and the rich client.
  • Void labels (for example, in short pick scenarios), and reprint them.
  • Clean up the wave label history.
  • Improvements to document routing layouts are shared between document routing layouts and wave label layouts. (Learn more in Document routing label layouts.)

These enhancements make it more efficient to label cartons before palletization. They especially benefit companies that ship to large retailers that automatically confirm order receipts by scanning each carton separately.


You can implement the configuration scenarios that are described in this article either separately or in combination, depending on your business requirements. You can design several wave label templates that work in sequence (as illustrated in scenario 3). For example, you can use scenario 1 to print carton labels and scenario 2 to print pallet labels (if pallets in stock vary in size and composition).

Scenario 1: Wave label printing where a single wave label is generated

This scenario shows how a company can print shipping labels for a large retailer that automatically confirms order receipts by scanning each carton separately.

This scenario shows the end-to-end flow.

Make demo data available for scenario 1

To follow this scenario, you must have demo data installed, and you must select the USMF legal entity.

Make sure that the wave label method is available for scenario 1

You might have to regenerate the wave process methods to make the wave label printing method available.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave process methods.
  2. Confirm that waveLabelPrinting is in the list. If it isn't, select Regenerate methods on the Action Pane to add it.

Set up a wave template for scenario 1

Wave templates let you link specific instances of wave methods to a corresponding wave label template.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates.
  2. Select a template, such as 62 Shipping Default.
  3. On the Methods FastTab, move the Wave label printing method to the Selected methods column.
  4. In the Selected methods column, select the Wave label printing method, and set its Wave step code field to PrintLabel. For more information about wave step codes, see Wave step codes.

Create a wave label layout for scenario 1

The label layout controls what information is printed on the label and how it's laid out. Here, you enter the ZPL code that is sent to the printer.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label layouts.

  2. Create a record that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Carton
    • Description: Carton (SSCC)
  3. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  4. On the Action Pane, select Wave label row settings.

    The Wave label row settings page appears. Here, you can configure the dynamic part of the label.

  5. Add a row that has the following settings:

    • Row Id: WaveLabel

    • Row table name: WHSWaveLabel

    • Row start position: 0

      This field defines the vertical position where the row will begin on the label.

    • Row height: 0

      This field defines the height of each row (in points), according to the ZPL standard. The row height is positive for horizontal labels and negative for vertical labels. Because there's just one row in this example, you can set the value to 0 (zero).

    • Rows per page: 1

      This field defines the number of rows that can be printed on each label.


      This setup will cause a separate ZPL label to be printed for each record in the wave labels table.

  6. Close the page.

  7. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  8. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Work type
    • Criteria: Pick

    This query ensures that only pick-type work lines will be printed on the label, not put-type work lines.

  9. If you want to be able to print the bill of lading ID, on the Joins tab, select the Work lines table, and join the Shipments table to it.

  10. Close the query editor dialog box.

  11. The Printer text Layout FastTab has three sections where you can write printer code: Header section, Body section, and Footer section. In the Header section section, in the Label header field, enter code for the required header. For example, if you're using Zebra printers, you can use the following code.

    ^FT526,315^A0N,28,28^FH\^FD ^FS
    ^FT437,248^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDCARR: $WHSShipmentTable.SCAC$^FS
    ^FT17,68^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDIntershipping, Inc.^FS
    ^FT15,99^A0N,20,19^FH\^FD1000 Shipping Lane^FS
    ^FT16,158^A0N,20,19^FH\^FD ^FS
    ^FT15,128^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDShelbyville TN 38102^FS
    ^FT19,203^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD(420) SHIP TO POSTAL CODE^FS
    ^FT331,39^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDShip To:^FS
    ^FT14,39^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDShip From:^FS
    ^FT331,67^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDWAL-MART DC 1111A-ABC DIS^FS
    ^FT330,98^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDDEPT 10^FS
    ^FT329,166^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDSpringfield TN 39021^FS
    ^FT330,134^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD100 Main Street^FS
  12. In the Body section section, in the Label body field, enter ZPL code for the required body. Here's an example.

    <Row name="WaveLabel">
    ^FT21,579^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDItem name:^FS
  13. In the Body section section, in the Label footer field, enter ZPL code for the required footer. Here's an example.



    This setup will print one copy of each label. If you require more copies (for example, one copy for each side of the pallet), set the n value for the ^PQn section in the footer to the required number of copies. For example, to print four copies of each label, specify ^PQ4.

Your label is now ready to use.

Create a wave label type

Wave label types are used to link wave label templates to a unit on unit sequence group lines.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label types.

  2. Add a wave label type that has the following settings:

    • Label type: Carton
    • Description: Carton

Set up unit sequence groups for scenario 1

Next, set up the unit sequence group for the wave label type.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Unit sequence groups.
  2. Select the Ea Box PL group.
  3. For the Box line, set the Wave level type field to Carton.

Create a wave label template for scenario 1

Next, create the wave label template for the wave label type.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label templates.

  2. Add a wave level template, and set the following values in the header:

    • Label template name: Carton labels
    • Description: Carton labels
    • Wave step code: PrintLabel
    • Warehouse: 62
  3. On the General FastTab, set the Wave label type field to Carton.

  4. On the Wave label template details FastTab, add a new row that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Carton
    • Printer name: Select an appropriate ZPL printer.
    • Run query: Yes (This setting is optional, but it's recommended for optimal performance.)
  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. Optional: If you're setting up a customer-specific label design, you must create a query to find the customer's account. On the Wave label template details FastTab, select Edit query. Then, in the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Shipments
    • Derived table: Shipments
    • Field: Account number
    • Criteria: Enter the relevant customer account number.

    When you've finished, select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  7. On the Action Pane, select Edit query to open the query editor dialog box for the whole label template.

  8. In the query editor dialog box, on the Sorting tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Reference load line id (Record-ID)
    • Search direction: Ascending
  9. Select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  10. A message box prompts you to confirm the grouping reset operation. Select Yes to continue.

  11. On the Action Pane, select Wave label template group.

  12. In the Wave label template group dialog box, select the row where the Reference field name field is set to Reference load line id, and then select the Label build ID check box for this row.


    This setup will create one label sequence ("Carton 1 of X") per load line throughout the wave, regardless of the work grouping setup. This label sequence can be printed on the label layout.

Configure number sequence extensions for scenario 1

Number sequence extensions control the GS1 compliance of specific number sequences. This configuration is optional for the current scenario. For more information and configuration instructions, see Configure number sequence extensions.

Create a sales order and release it to the warehouse for scenario 1

  1. Go to Sales and marketing > Sales order > All sales orders.

  2. Create a sales order that has the following settings:

    • Customer account: US-001
    • Warehouse: 62
  3. Add two sales order lines that have the following settings:

    • Sales order line 1:

      • Item number: A0001
      • Quantity: 9024
      • Unit: ea (9024 ea = 376 Box = 47 PL)
    • Sales order line 2:

      • Item number: A0002
      • Quantity: 9016
      • Unit: ea (9016 ea = 322 Box = 46 PL)


    The items and quantities that are provided here are only examples. They must use the unit sequence group that you defined earlier, appropriate unit conversions from ea to Box to PL must be defined for them, and they must have stock in warehouse 62. Learn more in Unit of measure and stocking policies.

  4. Select sales order line 1. Then, in the Sales order line section, on the Inventory menu, select Reservations.

  5. On the Reservation page, on the Action Pane, select Reserve lot, and then close the page.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for sales order line 2.

  7. On the Action Pane, on the Warehouse tab, select Release to warehouse.

    The following events occur:

    • The system processes the created shipment by using the template that includes the label printing step. The label layout will be used to define the format of the label, and the result will be a label that is printed on the printer that is selected in the label template.
    • Wave labels are generated and printed. The number of labels will equal the number of cartons (in this example, 376 Box labels for line 1 and 322 Box labels for line 2).
    • A new bill of lading ID is generated for the shipments. If you configured the number sequence extensions, the wave label IDs will follow the SSCC-18 number format.

You can view and reprint wave labels from the following pages. On the Action Pane of each page, on the Shipments tab, in the Related information group, select Wave labels.

  • All shipments > Shipment details
  • All loads > Load details
  • All waves
  • Wave labels
  • Wave label history

Scenario 2: Wave label printing for containerization (without wave label records)

This scenario lets you print wave labels when you use containerization to automatically split items into cartons and therefore don't require a wave label record. In this case, the container ID acts as a placeholder for the SSCC.

Here are the main differences between this scenario and scenario 1:

  • Wave label templates: You won't select a wave label type on the wave label template, and you won't require a label build grouping. Otherwise, you'll configure the wave label template and link to the wave template in the same way that is described in scenario 1. You must leave the wave label type blank to prevent wave labels from being generated.
  • Wave label layouts: You'll configure the wave label layout row settings for work lines instead of wave label records. You must configure the row setting for the label layout by using the WHSWorkLine table instead of the WHSWaveLabel table. The Rows per page setting controls the number of rows that the body section will have.

This configuration is also suitable for business scenarios where multiple different items are packed into one labeled box or into a pallet, and this packing process can be defined by work creation (for example, work that is grouped by shipment).

This scenario shows the end-to-end flow.

Make demo data available for scenario 2

To follow this scenario, you must have demo data installed, and you must select the USMF legal entity.

Make sure that the wave label method is available for scenario 2

You might have to regenerate the wave process methods to make the wave label printing method available.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave process methods.
  2. Confirm that waveLabelPrinting is in the list. If it isn't, select Regenerate methods on the Action Pane to add it.

Set up a wave template for scenario 2

Wave templates let you link specific instances of wave methods to a corresponding wave label template.

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates.
  2. Select a template, such as 63 Containerization.
  3. On the Methods FastTab, move the Wave label printing method to the Selected methods column.
  4. In the Selected methods column, select the Wave label printing method, and set its Wave step code field to PrintLabel. For more information about wave step codes, see Wave step codes.

Create a wave label layout for scenario 2

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label layouts.

  2. Create a record that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Carton
    • Description: Carton (SSCC)
  3. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  4. On the Action Pane, select Wave label row settings.

    The Wave label row settings page appears. Here, you can configure the dynamic part of the label.

  5. Add a row that has the following settings:

    • Row Id: WorkLine

    • Row table name: WHSWorkLine

    • Row start position: 500

      This field defines the vertical position where the row will begin on the label.

    • Row height: -50

      This field defines the height of each row. The row height is positive for horizontal labels and negative for vertical labels.

    • Rows per page: 5

      This field defines the number of rows that can be printed on each label.


      This setup will print several ZPL labels per work, where each page can hold up to five work lines. For example, if a label is printed for a container that has 12 lines, three labels will be printed. If you want to print a separate label for each pick line, set this value to 1.

  6. Close the page.

  7. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  8. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Work type
    • Criteria: Pick
  9. If you want to be able to print the bill of lading ID, on the Joins tab, select the Work lines table, and join the Shipments table to it.

  10. Close the query editor dialog box.

  11. The Printer text Layout FastTab has three sections where you can write printer code: Header section, Body section, and Footer section. In the Header section section, in the Label header field, enter code for the required header. For example, if you're using Zebra printers, you can use the following code.

    ^FO0,0 ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkTable.ContainerId$ ^FS
    ^FO0,75 ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkLine.ShipmentId$ ^FS
    ^FO0,150 ^AT ^FD$WHSShipmentTable.BillOfLadingId$ ^FS
  12. In the Body section section, in the Label body field, enter ZPL code for the required body. Here's an example.

    <Row name="WorkLine">
    //Optional heading for section of rows
    ^FO0,450 ^AT ^FDItem ^FS
    ^FO200,450 ^AT ^FDQuantity ^FS
    ^FO0,[[YPos]] ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkLine.ItemId$ ^FS
    ^FO200,[[YPos]] ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkLine.QtyWork$ ^FS
  13. In the Body section section, in the Label footer field, enter ZPL code for the required footer. Here's an example.



    This setup will print one copy of each label. If you require more copies (for example, one copy for each side of the pallet), set the n value for the ^PQn section in the footer to the required number of copies. For example, to print four copies of each label, specify ^PQ4.

Your label is now ready to use.

Create a wave label template for scenario 2

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label templates.

  2. Add a wave level template, and set the following values in the header:

    • Label template name: Container labels
    • Description: Container labels
    • Wave step code: PrintLabel
    • Warehouse: 63
  3. On the Wave label template details FastTab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Container
    • Printer name: Select an appropriate ZPL printer.
    • Run query: Yes (This setting is optional, but it's recommended for optimal performance.)
  4. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  5. Optional: If you're setting up a customer-specific label design, you must create a query to find the customer's account. On the Wave label template details FastTab, select Edit query. Then, in the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Shipments
    • Derived table: Shipments
    • Field: Account number
    • Criteria: Enter the relevant customer account number.

    When you've finished, select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

Configure number sequence extensions for scenario 2

Number sequence extensions control the GS1 compliance of specific number sequences. This configuration is optional for the current scenario. For more information and configuration instructions, see Configure number sequence extensions.

Create a sales order and release it to the warehouse for scenario 2

  1. Go to Sales and marketing > Sales order > All sales orders.

  2. Create a sales order that has the following settings:

    • Customer account: US-001
    • Warehouse: 63
  3. Add five sales order lines:

    • Sales order line 1:

      • Item number: A0001
      • Quantity: 10
    • Sales order line 2:

      • Item number: A0002
      • Quantity: 20
    • Sales order line 3:

      • Item number: L0006
      • Quantity: 20
    • Sales order line 4:

      • Item number: L0100
      • Quantity: 40
    • Sales order line 5:

      • Item number: L0101
      • Quantity: 50


    The items and quantities that are provided here are only examples. They must have stock in the specified warehouse.

  4. Select sales order line 1. Then, in the Sales order line section, on the Inventory menu, select Reservations.

  5. On the Reservation page, on the Action Pane, select Reserve lot, and then close the page.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional sales order line.

  7. On the Action Pane, on the Warehouse tab, select Release to warehouse.

    The following events occur:

    • The system processes the created shipment using the template that includes the label printing step. The label layout will be used to define the format of the label, and the end result will be a label that has five lines and that is printed on the printer that is selected in the label template.
    • A new bill of lading ID is generated for the shipments. If you configured the number sequence extensions, the wave label IDs will follow the SSCC-18 number format.

You can reprint these wave labels by going to Warehouse management > Enquiries and reports > Wave label history.

Scenario 3: Wave label printing for multi-tiered labels

This scenario shows how to use the wave label printing functionality when the warehousing processes require several tiers of shipping labels. For example, separate labels might have to be printed for cartons and pallets, and a break label might have to be printed for a whole shipment. Break labels are a separate type of label that can be used as a divider between rolls and containers, such as labels for the shipment ID and a bar code, so that the labels can easily be sorted after they're printed.

The main difference between the configuration of this scenario and the configuration of scenario 1, besides the fact that break labels are enabled, is that multiple wave label types must be associated with wave label templates and unit sequence group lines. To accomplish this configuration, you set up the following elements for this scenario:

  • Wave processing methods: You'll mark the wave label method as "repeatable," add it two (or more) times to the wave template, and set different wave step codes.
  • Wave label templates: You'll configure the wave label templates and link them to the wave template. Each wave label template has its own wave label type.
  • Wave label layouts: You'll create multiple wave label layouts. There will be a separate label layout for each "tier" of labels, and there will also be a break label layout.

This scenario shows the end-to-end flow.

Make demo data available for scenario 3

To follow this scenario, you must have demo data installed, and you must select the USMF legal entity.

Set up a wave process method

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave process methods.
  2. Confirm that waveLabelPrinting is in the list. If it isn't, select Regenerate methods on the Action Pane to add it.
  3. For the waveLabelPrinting method, select the Make method repeatable check box.

Set up a wave template for scenario 3

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Waves > Wave templates.
  2. Select a template, such as 62 Shipping Default.
  3. On the Methods FastTab, move the Wave label printing method to the Selected methods column.
  4. In the Selected methods column, assign a Wave step code value, such as Carton, to the Wave label printing method. For more information about wave step codes, see Wave step codes.
  5. Move the Wave label printing method to the Selected methods column a second time.
  6. In the Selected methods column, assign a different Wave step code value, such as Pallet, to the second Wave label printing method. For more information about wave step codes, see Wave step codes.

Create three wave label layouts for scenario 3

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label layouts.

  2. Create a record that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Carton
    • Description: Carton (SSCC)
  3. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  4. On the Action Pane, select Wave label row settings.

    The Wave label row settings page appears. Here, you can configure the dynamic part of the label.

  5. Add a row that has the following settings:

    • Row Id: WaveLabel

    • Row table name: WHSWaveLabel

    • Row start position: 0

      This field defines the vertical position where the row will begin on the label.

    • Row height: 0

      This field defines the height of each row (in points), according to the ZPL standard. The row height is positive for horizontal labels and negative for vertical labels. Because there's just one row in this example, you can set the value to 0 (zero).

    • Rows per page: 1

      This field defines the number of rows that can be printed on each label.


      This setup will cause a separate ZPL label to be printed for each record in the wave labels table.

  6. Close the page.

  7. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  8. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Work type
    • Criteria: Pick

    This query ensures that only pick-type work lines will be printed on the label, not put-type work lines.

  9. If you want to be able to print the bill of lading ID, on the Joins tab, select the Work lines table, and join the Shipments table to it.

  10. Close the query editor dialog box.

  11. The Printer text Layout FastTab has three sections where you can write printer code: Header section, Body section, and Footer section. In the Header section section, in the Label header field, enter code for the required header. For example, if you're using Zebra printers, you can use the following code.

    ^FT526,315^A0N,28,28^FH\^FD ^FS
    ^FT437,248^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDCARR: $WHSShipmentTable.SCAC$^FS
    ^FT17,68^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDIntershipping, Inc.^FS
    ^FT15,99^A0N,20,19^FH\^FD1000 Shipping Lane^FS
    ^FT16,158^A0N,20,19^FH\^FD ^FS
    ^FT15,128^A0N,20,19^FH\^FDShelbyville TN 38102^FS
    ^FT19,203^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD(420) SHIP TO POSTAL CODE^FS
    ^FT331,39^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDShip To:^FS
    ^FT14,39^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDShip From:^FS
    ^FT331,67^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDWAL-MART DC 1111A-ABC DIS^FS
    ^FT330,98^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDDEPT 10^FS
    ^FT329,166^A0N,23,24^FH\^FDSpringfield TN 39021^FS
    ^FT330,134^A0N,23,24^FH\^FD100 Main Street^FS
  12. In the Body section section, in the Label body field, enter ZPL code for the required body. Here's an example.

    <Row name="WaveLabel">
    ^FT21,579^A0N,28,28^FH\^FDItem name:^FS
  13. In the Body section section, in the Label footer field, enter ZPL code for the required footer. Here's an example.



    This setup will print one copy of each label. If you require more copies (for example, one copy for each side of the pallet), set the n value for the ^PQn section in the footer to the required number of copies. For example, to print four copies of each label, specify ^PQ4.

  14. The first label is now ready to use.

  15. Create a second layout record that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Pallet
    • Description: Pallet
  16. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  17. On the Action Pane, select Wave label row settings.

    The Wave label row settings page appears. Here, you can configure the dynamic part of the label.

  18. Add a row that has the following settings:

    • Row Id: WaveLabel

    • Row table name: WHSWaveLabel

    • Row start position: 0

      This field defines the vertical position where the row will begin on the label.

    • Row height: 0

      This field defines the height of each row (in points), according to the ZPL standard. The row height is positive for horizontal labels and negative for vertical labels. Because there's just one row in this example, you can set the value to 0 (zero).

    • Rows per page: 1

      This field defines the number of rows that can be printed on each label.


      This setup causes a separate ZPL label to be printed for each record in the wave labels table.

  19. Close the page.

  20. On the Action Pane, select Edit query.

  21. In the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Work type
    • Criteria: Pick

    This query ensures that only pick-type work lines will be printed on the label, not put-type work lines.

  22. If you want to be able to print the bill of lading ID, on the Joins tab, select the Work lines table, and join the Shipments table to it.

  23. Close the query editor dialog box.

  24. The Printer text Layout FastTab has three sections where you can write printer code: Header section, Body section, and Footer section. In the Header section section, in the Label header field, enter code for the required header. For example, if you're using Zebra printers, you can use the following code.

    ^FO0,0 ^AT ^FD$WHSWaveLabel.WaveLabelId$ ^FS
    ^FO0,75 ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkLine.ShipmentId$ ^FS
    ^FO0,150 ^AT ^FD$WHSShipmentTable.BillOfLadingId$ ^FS
  25. In the Body section section, in the Label body field, enter ZPL code for the required body. Here's an example.

    <Row name="WaveLabel">
    ^FO0,450 ^AT ^FDItem ^FS
    ^FO200,450 ^AT ^FDQuantity ^FS
    ^FO0,[[YPos]] ^AT ^FD$WHSWaveLabel.LabelItemId$ ^FS
    ^FO200,[[YPos]] ^AT ^FD$WHSWaveLabel.QtyWork$ ^FS
  26. In the Body section section, in the Label footer field, enter ZPL code for the required footer. Here's an example.



    This setup will print one copy of each label. If you require more copies (for example, one copy for each side of the pallet), set the n value for the ^PQn section in the footer to the required number of copies. For example, to print four copies of each label, specify ^PQ4.

  27. The second label is now ready to use.

  28. Create a third layout record that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Break
    • Description: Break label
  29. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  30. The Printer text Layout FastTab has three sections where you can write printer code: Header section, Body section, and Footer section. In the Header section section, in the Label header field, enter ZPL code for the required header. Here's an example.

    ^FO0,0 ^AT ^FD$WHSWorkLine.ShipmentId$ ^FS
  31. This time, no body is required. Therefore, just enter the required text in the Footer section section. Here's an example.


    The third label is now ready to use.


    This third label is a break label that will be used as a divider between label rolls.

Create two wave label types

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label types.

  2. Create a record that has the following settings:

    • Label type: Carton
    • Description: Carton
  3. Create a second record that has the following settings:

    • Label type: Pallet
    • Description: Pallet

Set up unit sequence groups for scenario 3

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Warehouse > Unit sequence groups.
  2. Select or create an Ea Box PL group.
  3. For the Box line, set the Wave level type field to Carton.
  4. For the PL line, set the Wave level type field to Pallet.

Create wave label templates

  1. Go to Warehouse management > Setup > Document routing > Wave label templates.

  2. Create a label template that has the following settings:

    • Label template name: Carton labels
    • Description: Carton labels
    • Wave step code: Carton
    • Warehouse: 62
  3. On the General FastTab, in the Wave label type field, select a value, such as Carton.

  4. On the Wave label template details FastTab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Carton
    • Printer name: Select an appropriate ZPL printer.
    • Run query: Yes (This setting is optional, but it's recommended for optimal performance.)
  5. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  6. Optional: If you're setting up a customer-specific label design, you must create a query to find the customer's account. On the Wave label template details FastTab, select Edit query. Then, in the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Shipments
    • Derived table: Shipments
    • Field: Account number
    • Criteria: Enter the relevant customer account number.

    When you've finished, select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  7. On the Action Pane, select Edit query to open the query editor dialog box for the whole label template.

  8. In the query editor dialog box, on the Sorting tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Reference load line id (Record-ID)
    • Search direction: Ascending
  9. Add a second row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Shipment ID
    • Search direction: Ascending
  10. Select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  11. A message box prompts you to confirm the grouping reset operation. Select Yes to continue.

  12. On the Action Pane, select Wave label template group.

  13. In the Wave label template group dialog box, for the row where the Reference field name field is set to Shipment ID, set the following values:

    • Print break label: Select this check box.
    • Label layout ID: Select a break label. (For example, select the Break label layout that you created earlier in this scenario.)
    • Printer name: Select the printer for the break label. (Typically, when splitting label rolls, you would select the same printer that is selected on the Wave label template details FastTab. However, other scenarios are possible.)
  14. For the row where the Reference field name field is set to Reference load line id, select the Label build ID check box.


    This setup will create one label sequence ("Carton 1 of X") per load line throughout the wave, regardless of the work grouping setup. This label sequence can be printed on a label layout. Additionally, labels for different shipments will be separated by the selected break label.

  15. Select OK to close the Wave label template group dialog box.

  16. Create a second label template that has the following settings:

    • Label template name: Pallet labels
    • Description: Pallet labels
    • Wave step code: Pallet
    • Warehouse: 62
  17. On the General FastTab, in the Wave label type field, select a value, such as Pallet.

  18. On the Wave label template details FastTab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Label layout ID: Pallet
    • Printer name: Select an appropriate ZPL printer.
    • Run query: Yes (This setting is optional, but it's recommended for optimal performance.)
  19. On the Action Pane, select Save.

  20. Optional: If you're setting up a customer-specific label design, you must create a query to find the customer's account. On the Wave label template details FastTab, select Edit query. Then, in the query editor dialog box, on the Range tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Shipments
    • Derived table: Shipments
    • Field: Account number
    • Criteria: Enter the relevant customer account number.

    When you've finished, select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  21. On the Action Pane, select Edit query to open the query editor dialog box for the whole label template.

  22. In the query editor dialog box, on the Sorting tab, add a row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Reference load line id (Record-ID)
    • Search direction: Ascending
  23. Add a second row that has the following settings:

    • Table: Work lines
    • Derived table: Work lines
    • Field: Shipment ID
    • Search direction: Ascending
  24. Select OK to close the query editor dialog box.

  25. A message box prompts you to confirm the grouping reset operation. Select Yes to continue.

  26. On the Action Pane, select Wave label template group.

  27. In the Wave label template group dialog box, for the row where the Reference field name field is set to Shipment ID, set the following values:

    • Print break label: Select this check box.
    • Label layout ID: Select a break label. (For example, select the Break label layout that you created earlier in this scenario.)
    • Printer name: Select the printer for the break label. (Typically, when splitting label rolls, you would select the same printer that is selected on the Wave label template details FastTab. However, other scenarios are possible.)
  28. For the row where the Reference field name field is set to Reference load line id, select the Label build ID check box.


    This setup will create one label sequence ("Carton 1 of X") per load line throughout the wave, regardless of the work grouping setup. This label sequence can be printed on a label layout. Additionally, labels for different shipments will be separated by the selected break label.

Configure number sequence extensions for scenario 3

Number sequence extensions control the GS1 compliance of specific number sequences. This configuration is optional for the current scenario. For more information and configuration instructions, see Configure number sequence extensions.

Create a sales order and release it to the warehouse for scenario 3

  1. Go to Sales and marketing > Sales order > All sales orders.

  2. Create a sales order that has the following settings:

    • Customer account: US-001
    • Warehouse: 62
  3. Add two sales order lines:

    • Sales order line 1:

      • Item number: A0001
      • Quantity: 9024
      • Unit: ea (9024 ea = 376 Box = 47 PL)
    • Sales order line 2:

      • Item number: A0002
      • Quantity: 9016
      • Unit: ea (9016 ea = 322 Box = 46 PL)


    The items and quantities that are provided here are only examples. They must use the unit sequence group that you defined earlier, appropriate unit conversions from ea to Box to PL must be defined for them, and they must have stock in warehouse 62. Learn more in Unit of measure and stocking policies.

  4. Select sales order line 1. Then, in the Sales order line section, on the Inventory menu, select Reservations.

  5. On the Reservation page, on the Action Pane, select Reserve lot, and then close the page.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for sales order line 2.

  7. On the Action Pane, on the Warehouse tab, select Release to warehouse.

    The following events occur:

    • The system processes the created shipment by using the template that includes the label printing step. The label layout will be used to define the format of the label, and the result will be a label that is printed on the printer that is selected in the label template.
    • Wave labels are generated and printed. The number of labels will equal the number of cartons (in this example, 376 Box labels for line 1, 322 Box labels for line 2, 47 PL labels for line 1, 47 PL labels for line 2, and two break labels that have the shipment ID).
    • A new bill of lading ID is generated for the shipments. If you configured the number sequence extensions, the wave label IDs will follow the SSCC-18 number format.

You can view and reprint wave labels from the following pages:

  • All shipments > Shipment details
  • All loads > Load details
  • All waves
  • Wave labels
  • Wave label history

For most of these pages, you can find the relevant function by selecting Wave labels in the Related information group on the Shipments tab of the Action Pane.