
Gets a user-friendly error message and user action text for the specified HRESULT.


HRESULT XtfGetErrorText(
         HRESULT HResult,
         PWSTR *errorMessageBuffer,
         UINT32 *errorMessageBufferLength,
         PWSTR *userActionTextBuffer,
         UINT32 *userActionTextBufferLength



[in] The HRESULT to look up the error message and user action text for.

Type: PWSTR*

[out] A pointer to the buffer that receives the error message as a null-terminated string. To determine the required buffer length, set this parameter to nullptr and the errorMessageBufferLength parameter to 0. Upon invocation, errorMessageBufferLength is set to the length of the required buffer in WCHARs, including the terminating null character.

Type: UINT32*

[in, out] On input the length of the error message buffer in WCHARs. The buffer length must include room for a terminating null character. On output the required length of errorMessageBuffer in WCHARs

Type: PWSTR*

[out] A pointer to the buffer that receives the user action text as a null terminated string. To determine the required buffer length, set this parameter to nullptr and the userActionTextBufferLength parameter to 0. Upon invocation, userActionTextBufferLength is set to the length of the required buffer in WCHARs, including the terminating null character.

Type: UINT32*

[in, out] The length of the user action text buffer in WCHARs. The buffer length must include room for a terminating null character.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

If S_OK is returned, the function succeeded. errorMessageBuffer and userActionTextBuffer are set to the error message and user action text, respectively, for the specified HRESULT.

If HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA) is returned, the buffer supplied for errorMessageBuffer or userActionTextBuffer was not large enough. errorMessageBufferLength and userActionTextBufferLength are set to the required buffer lengths of the error message and user action text, respectively, for the specified HRESULT.

If any other HRESULT code is returned, an unexpected error occurred.


If the HRESULT passed to XtfGetErrorText is not a recognized Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) error code, errorMessageBuffer is set to "Unspecified error". You can use this result to check whether the specified HRESULT is a recognized XTF error code. For more information about recognized XTF error codes, see XTF transport errors (NDA topic)Authorization required.


Header: xtfapi.h

Library: XtfApi.lib

Supported platforms: Windows (for Xbox console tools)

See also

Xbox Tools Framework native API reference