
Get the member property's value from its key.


HRESULT PFLobbyGetMemberProperty(  
    PFLobbyHandle lobby,  
    const PFEntityKey* member,  
    const char* key,  
    const char** value  


lobby   PFLobbyHandle

The handle of the lobby.

member   PFEntityKey*

The member whose property bag we want to query.

key   char*
is null-terminated

The key of the property.

value   char**
library-allocated output, may return nullptr

The output value associated with the key. An output null value signifies the property wasn't present.

Return value


S_OK if the call succeeded or an error code otherwise. The human-readable form of the error code can be retrieved via PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage().


Per-member properties are only visible to members of the lobby or the server if this is a server-owned lobby.

If the member is still in the process of asynchronously joining this lobby either via PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby(), PFMultiplayerJoinLobby(), or PFLobbyAddMember(), this method will return no properties.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members