
Get the search property value from its key.


HRESULT PFLobbyGetSearchProperty(  
    PFLobbyHandle lobby,  
    const char* key,  
    const char** value  


lobby   PFLobbyHandle

The handle of the lobby.

key   char*
is null-terminated

The key of the property.

value   char**
library-allocated output, may return nullptr

The output value associated with the key. An output null value signifies the property wasn't present.

Return value


S_OK if the call succeeded or an error code otherwise. The human-readable form of the error code can be retrieved via PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage().


Search properties are visible to non-members of the lobby as metadata which can be used to filter and sort lobby search results.

If this lobby object is still in the process of asynchronously being created, joined, or claimed via a call to PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby(), PFMultiplayerCreateAndClaimServerLobby, PFMultiplayerClaimServerLobby() or PFMultiplayerJoinLobby(), this method will return no properties.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members