cloudClipboardItemPayload resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Contains the specific details of the content found within a cloudClipboardItem.


Property Type Description
content String The formatName version of the value of a cloud clipboard encoded in base64.
formatName String For a list of possible values see formatName values.

formatName values

Name Description Windows clipboard format
AnsiTextBase64 ANSI text format CF_TEXT
TextBase64 Unicode text format CF_UNICODETEXT
UniformResourceLocatorWBase64 Unicode URI format CFSTR_INETURLW
UniformResourceLocatorBase64 ANSI URI format CFSTR_INETURLA
RichTextFormatBase64 Rich text format Registered Clipboard Format
HTMLFormatBase64 HTML format CF_HTML
{Custom} Custom format defined by clients to identify application-specific formats. The client that creates it can only understand it and handle it. NA



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudClipboardItemPayload",
  "content": "String",
  "formatName": "String"