Working with the cloud communications API in Microsoft Graph
APIs under the /beta
version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
The Microsoft Graph cloud communications API adds a new dimension to how you or your organization can interact with other users by enabling core communication capabilities and features in your apps and services. You can use this API to create and receive calls, create and retrieve meeting coordinates, and check users' presence.
You can use the cloud communications API to build service applications (bots) that act like participants in a call, and that create and retrieve meetings on behalf of users and to check their presence availability and activity. This API provides calling functionality as well as the ability to create and retrieve online meetings. You can use service applications (bots) with this API, where the bot can act as a participant in your VoIP calls or Microsoft Teams meetings, for example.
You may NOT use the Cloud Communications APIs to record or otherwise persist media content from calls or meetings that your application accesses, or data derived from that media content. Make sure that you are compliant with the laws and regulations in your area regarding data protection and confidentiality of communications. Please see the Terms of Use and consult with your legal counsel for more information.
One of the following permissions is required to access the cloud communications API. These permissions need to be granted by the administrator.
Scenario | Permissions |
Call records | CallRecords.Read.All |
Calling | Calls.JoinGroupCallAsGuest.All, Calls.JoinGroupCall.All, Calls.Initiate.All, Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All, Calls.AccessMedia.All |
Meetings | OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All, OnlineMeetings.Read.All |
Presence | Presence.Read, Presence.Read.All |
Virtual event | VirtualEvent.Read, VirtualEvent.ReadWrite |
Common use cases
The following table lists some of the common uses for the cloud communications API.
Use cases | REST resources | See also |
Creating and joining 1-1 and group calls | call | Methods for calls |
IVR calls | call | Methods for IVR |
Call controls (participant) | participant | |
Meetings | onlineMeeting | Methods for meetings |
Presence | presence | Methods for presence |
Retrieving call records | callRecord | Webhook subscriptions |
Virtual events | virtualEvent | Methods for virtualEventTownhall, Methods for virtualEventWebinar |
Common properties
Resource | Properties |
call | call properties |
participant | participant properties |
onlineMeeting | onlineMeeting properties |
presence | presence properties |
callRecord | callRecord properties |