sslCertificateEntity resource type



The Microsoft Graph API for Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence requires an active Defender Threat Intelligence Portal license and API add-on license for the tenant.

Represents an entity related to an sslCertificate. An sslCertificateEntity is either an issuer or subject of the certificate.


Property Type Description
address microsoft.graph.physicalAddress A physical address of the entity.
alternateNames String collection Alternate names for this entity that are part of the certificate.
commonName String A common name for this entity.
email String An email for this entity.
givenName String If the entity is a person, this is the person's given name (first name).
organizationName String If the entity is an organization, this is the name of the organization.
organizationUnitName String If the entity is an organization, this communicates if a unit in the organization is named on the entity.
serialNumber String A serial number assigned to the entity; usually only available if the entity is the issuer.
surname String If the entity is a person, this is the person's surname (last name).



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "",
  "address": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.physicalAddress"},
  "alternateNames": ["String"],
  "commonName": "String",
  "email": "String",
  "givenName": "String",
  "organizationName": "String",
  "organizationUnitName": "String",
  "serialNumber": "String",
  "surname": "String"