Use the Windows settings API in Microsoft Graph

The Windows setting API enables users and authorized third parties acting on behalf of users to retrieve their Windows operating system settings data stored in the Microsoft cloud. The Windows settings data is available in the Microsoft cloud only when users activate the feature. The scope of data available for each user depends on their backup settings selections. The default values for any settings remain local and aren't transferred to the cloud. The Windows settings API only shares settings data that the user uploads to the cloud.

Windows settings

The windowsSetting resource represents various Windows operating system settings that are stored in the cloud for a given user. Windows settings are of two types: roaming and backup. The settingType property of a windowsSetting object indicates the type of the setting.

Setting type Description
roaming The Windows setting is associated with a user's account. The setting is consistent across all devices and any changes to the setting value are synced or applied to all Windows devices that the user owns.
backup The Windows setting doesn't roam or sync across devices. This type of setting is used in device backup and restore scenarios.

A windowsSetting object of type backup might have a windowsDeviceId property that links the setting to a specific device.

The List Windows settings API returns a collection of windowsSetting objects and their properties. You can filter the results by the windowsDeviceId and settingType properties.

The Get windowsSetting API allows you to pass the ID of a windowsSetting in the URL to read a specific Windows setting object.

The following JSON representation shows an example of a windowsSetting resource type. The instances collection represents windowsSettingInstance objects.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsSetting",
  "id": "{67585f9f-ee4b-4dd8-808e-d88375d66ef7}$",
  "windowsDeviceId": "67585f9f-ee4b-4dd8-808e-d88375d66ef7",
  "settingType": "backup",
  "payloadType": "",
  "instances": [
                "id": "14b50191-10e5-4da5-9099-8c909b8458bd",
                "payload": "VGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGFuIGV4YW1wbGUh",
                "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-10-31T23:30:41Z",
                "createdDateTime": "2024-02-12T19:34:35.223Z",
                "expirationDateTime": "2034-02-09T19:34:33.771Z"


The structure of the ID of a windowsSetting object is not guaranteed and the caller should not take any dependency on it. The ID should be treated as an opaque string.

Windows setting instances

A windowsSettingInstance represents a setting instance from the Windows operating system that is stored in the cloud for a given user. A windowsSettingInstance belongs to a windowsSetting.

The following JSON representation shows an example of a windowsSettingInstance resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsSettingInstance",
  "id": "6984732f-86b0-8e31-dc02-37fce0df6d61",
  "payload": "VGhpcyBpcyBhbm90aGVyIGp1c3QgYW4gZXhhbXBsZSE=",
  "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-10-31T23:30:41Z",
  "createdDateTime": "2024-02-12T19:34:35.223Z",
  "expirationDateTime": "2034-02-09T19:34:33.771Z"

The List Windows setting instances API returns a collection of windowsSettingInstance objects and their properties. The API requires the ID of a windowsSetting in the URL to read the setting instances.

The Get Windows setting instance API allows you to pass the ID of a windowsSetting and windowsSettingInstance in the URL to read a specific windows setting instance object.

The payload property of a windowsSettingInstance contains the actual setting value. The payload is a string in Base64-encoded format. The payloadType property of the windowsSetting object indicates the type of the setting value. The payload when decoded is a JSON object, which differs from setting to setting and is specific to the payloadType.

payloadType property

The payloadType defines the structure of a windowsSettingInstance payload. Windows includes a number of payload types that represent distinct setting structures used by different operating system experiences. As Windows evolves, more payload types are created and onboarded to the cloud. Querying the API and exploring the settings that are available is the best way to learn about the various payload types. The users and admins have control over which settings are uploaded to the cloud and most components don't upload default settings that the user hasn't customized.

The following example shows a windowsSettingsInstance object returned by the API.

    "id": "default$",
    "settingType": "roaming",
    "payloadType": "",
    "instances": [
            "id": "d9a7f6e2-8c4b-4e3a-bf7c-1e5a9d8c6f4b",
            "payload": "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",
            "lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-06-27T00:53:00Z",
            "createdDateTime": "2024-02-13T19:51:15.8217101Z",
            "expirationDateTime": "2034-02-10T19:51:14.813Z"

In this example, the payloadType represents some of the settings that the File Explorer backs up to the cloud. The Base64 payload can be decoded to a UTF-8 string to see the JSON representation of this object.

The following example shows the payload decoded.

    "migratedFromSSF": false,
    "alwaysShowMenus": false,
    "folderContentsInfoTip": false,
    "hideDrivesWithNoMedia": false,
    "navPaneExpandToCurrentFolder": false,
    "navPaneShowAllFolders": false,
    "navPaneShowFavorites": false,
    "persistBrowsers": false,
    "sharingWizardOn": false,
    "showDriveLetters": false,
    "showPreviewHandlers": false,
    "typeAhead": false,
    "showStatusBar": false,
    "showLibraries": false,
    "showCompColor": false

Properties in the object are commonly a subset of those that are available in the user experience of the component because component owners decide which settings provide the most value when uploaded to the cloud.

Payload types

The payload types described in this section have a special role in the Windows settings backup process.

The payload type is not a setting the user applied; this type records information about devices that have opted into settings backup features. The following properties on this object are useful for understanding the rest of the settings:

  • deviceDisplayName - The name of the computer. This setting is found in Windows system settings at "Start > Settings > System".
  • profileId - An identifier used to link windowsSetting items to the device that uploaded them. This property corresponds to windowsSetting.windowsDeviceId and can be used as a filter to get settings for a specific device from the List Windows settings API.

The following example shows this resource type.

    "id": "default$$deviceprofiles",
    "settingType": "backup",
    "payloadType": "",
    "instances": [
            "id": "73b1a0b8-262a-4804-592a-b82a3a2a0c0d",
            "lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-10-31T23:30:40Z",
            "createdDateTime": "2024-02-13T22:49:02.376Z",
            "expirationDateTime": "2034-02-10T22:49:03.365Z"

The following example shows the payload decoded.

    "profileId": "{95b3a2c8-482a-4a06-7b3a-da2a5a4b2c0f}",
    "deviceDisplayName": "EXAMPLEUSERDESKTOP",
    "createdBy": "windows",
    "sourceProfileId": "",
    "createdTime": 1664680589,
    "modifiedTime": 1698795040,
    "isActive": true,
    "lastFullBackupCompletedTime": 1698332137,
    "osVersion": "18045.3750.vb_release"

The backupUnitStore payload type settings are unique in that the actual settings value is a blob in the data property. This is because backupUnitStore settings are collected directly from the Windows registry, on disk files, or other at rest locations throughout Windows. These settings weren't designed to be interoperable with experiences other than the components that created them. They are exposed in this API for comprehensive coverage of all Windows settings that are stored in the cloud.