Prepare for operating workloads
Cloud Adoption Framework Manage methodology occurs as part of the secure, manage, and govern pathway for the cloud adoption framework. It's often being developed while other parts of the organization work on migration pathways.
While all areas of management are equally important, sovereignty deployments might want to give extra attention to cloud management disciplines.
Manage workloads
The keys to proper management in any environment are consistency and repeatable processes. Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty recommends the following guidelines from the Cloud Adoption Framework Manage methodology.
Operation compliance
Operational compliance builds on the discipline of inventory and visibility. Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty Transparency Logs provide customers with visibility into occasions when Microsoft engineers accessed customer resources.
Resource and environment consistency
You need to ensure that your workloads are configured and deployed consistently across different environments and regions. You also need to apply governance policies and controls to your workloads. Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty offers you some governance tools, such as:
Secure workloads
The Cloud Adoption Framework Secure methodology provides a vision of the complete end state, which guides the improvement of your security program over time.
We recommend you to follow the guidance in security in the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.
Next steps
Now that you know how to migrate and manage your workloads on Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty, you can start your cloud journey. To get started, follow the links to access the Cloud Adoption Framework and the Microsoft Cloud for Sovereignty documentation.