Microsoft Information Protection SDK - File handler concepts

In the MIP File SDK, the mip::FileHandler exposes all of the various operations that can be used to read and write labels, or protection, across a set of file types for which support is built-in.

Supported file types

  • Office File Formats based on OPC (Office 2010 and later)
  • Legacy Office File Formats (Office 2007)
  • PDF
  • Generic PFILE support
  • Files that support Adobe XMP

File handler functions

mip::FileHandler exposes methods for reading, writing, and removing both labels and protection information. For the full list, consult the API reference.

In this article, the following methods will be covered:

  • GetLabelAsync()
  • SetLabel()
  • DeleteLabel()
  • RemoveProtection()
  • CommitAsync()


Creating a FileHandler to work with a specific file requires:

  • A FileProfile
  • A FileEngine added to the FileProfile
  • A class that inherits mip::FileHandler::Observer

Create a file handler

The first step required in managing any files in the File SDK is to create a FileHandler object. This class implements all of the functionality required to get, set, update, delete, and commit label changes to files.

Creating the FileHandler is as easy as calling the FileEngine's CreateFileHandlerAsync function using the promise/future pattern.

CreateFileHandlerAsync accepts three parameters: The path to the file that should be read or modified, the mip::FileHandler::Observer for asynchronous event notifications, and the promise for the FileHandler.

Note: The mip::FileHandler::Observer class must be implemented in a derived class as CreateFileHandler requires the Observer object.

auto createFileHandlerPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<std::shared_ptr<mip::FileHandler>>>();
auto createFileHandlerFuture = createFileHandlerPromise->get_future();
fileEngine->CreateFileHandlerAsync(filePath, std::make_shared<FileHandlerObserver>(), createFileHandlerPromise);
auto fileHandler = createFileHandlerFuture.get();

After successfully creating the FileHandler object, file operations (get/set/delete/commit) can be performed.

Read a label

Metadata requirements

There are a few requirements to successfully reading metadata from a file and translating in to something that can be used in applications.

  • The label being read must still exist in the Microsoft 365 service. If it's been deleted entirely, the SDK will fail to obtain information about that label and will return an error.
  • The file metadata must be intact. This metadata includes:
    • Attribute1
    • Attribute2


Having created the handler to point to a specific file, we return to the promise/future pattern to asynchronously read the label. The promise is for a mip::ContentLabel object that contains all of the information about the applied label.

After instantiating the promise and future objects, we read the label by calling fileHandler->GetLabelAsync() and providing the promise as the lone parameter. Finally, the label can be stored in a mip::ContentLabel object that will we get from the future.

auto loadPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<std::shared_ptr<mip::ContentLabel>>>();
auto loadFuture = loadPromise->get_future();
auto label = loadFuture.get();

Label data can be read from the label object and passed to any other component or functionality in the application.

Set a label

Setting a label is a two part process. First, having created a handler that points to the file in question, the label can be set by calling FileHandler->SetLabel() with some parameters: mip::Label, mip::LabelingOptions, and mip::ProtectionOptions. First, we must resolve the label ID to a label and then define the labeling options.

Resolve label ID to mip::Label

The SetLabel function's first parameter is a mip::Label. Often, the application is working with label identifiers rather than labels. The label identifier can be resolved to the mip::Label by calling GetLabelById on the file or policy engine:

mip::Label label = mEngine->GetLabelById(labelId);

Labeling options

The second parameter required to set the label is mip::LabelingOptions.

LabelingOptions specifies additional information about the label such as the AssignmentMethod and justification for an action.

  • mip::AssignmentMethod is an enumerator that has three values: STANDARD, PRIVILEGED, or AUTO. Review the mip::AssignmentMethod reference for more details.
  • Justification is required only if the service policy requires it and when lowering the existing sensitivity of a file.

This snip demonstrates creating the mip::LabelingOptions object and setting downgrade justification and message.

auto labelingOptions = mip::LabelingOptions(mip::AssignmentMethod::STANDARD);
labelingOptions.SetDowngradeJustification(true, "Because I made an educated decision based upon the contents of this file.");

Protection settings

Some applications may need to perform operations on behalf of a delegated user identity. The mip::ProtectionSettings class allows the application to define the delegated identity per handler. Previously, the delegation was performed by the engine classes. This had significant disadvantages in application overhead and service round trips. By moving the delegated user settings to mip::ProtectionSettings and making that part of the handler class, we eliminate this overhead, resulting in better performance for applications that are performing many operations on behalf of diverse sets of user identities.

If delegation isn't required, then pass mip::ProtectionSettings() to the SetLabel function. If delegation is required, it can be achieved by creating a mip::ProtectionSettings object and setting the delegated mail address:

mip::ProtectionSettings protectionSettings; 

Set the label

Having fetched the mip::Label using the ID, set the labeling options, and, optionally, set the protection settings, the label can now be set on the handler.

If you didn't set protection settings, set the label by calling SetLabel on the handler:

fileHandler->SetLabel(label, labelingOptions, mip::ProtectionSettings());

If you did require protection settings to perform a delegated operation, then:

fileHandler->SetLabel(label, labelingOptions, protectionSettings);

Having now set the label on the file referenced by the handler, there's still one more step to commit the change and write a file to disk or create an output stream.

Commit changes

The final step in committing any change to a file in the MIP SDK is to commit the change. This is accomplished by using the FileHandler->CommitAsync() function.

To implement the commitment function, we return to promise/future, creating a promise for a bool. The CommitAsync() function will return true if the operation succeeded or false if it failed for any reason.

After creating the promise and future, CommitAsync() is called and two parameters provided: The output file path (std::string), and the promise. Lastly, the result is obtained by getting the value of the future object.

auto commitPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
auto commitFuture = commitPromise->get_future();
fileHandler->CommitAsync(outputFile, commitPromise);
auto wasCommitted = commitFuture.get();

Important: The FileHandler won't update or overwrite existing files. It's up to the developer to implement replacing the file that is being labeled.

If writing a label to FileA.docx, a copy of the file, FileB.docx, will be created with the label applied. Code must be written to remove/rename FileA.docx and rename FileB.docx.

Delete a label

auto fileHandler = mEngine->CreateFileHandler(filePath, std::make_shared<FileHandlerObserverImpl>());
fileHandler->DeleteLabel(mip::AssignmentMethod::PRIVILEGED, "Label unnecessary.");
auto commitPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
auto commitFuture = commitPromise->get_future();
fileHandler->CommitAsync(outputFile, commitPromise);

Remove protection

Your MIP File SDK application must validate that the user has rights to remove protection from the file being accessed. This can be accomplished by performing an access check prior to removing protection.

The RemoveProtection() function behaves in a manner similar to SetLabel() or DeleteLabel(). The method is called on the existing FileHandler object, then the change must be committed.


As the application developer, it's your reponsibility to perform this access check. Failure to properly perform the access check can reuslt in data leakage.

C++ example:

// Validate that the file referred to by the FileHandler is protected.
if (fileHandler->GetProtection() != nullptr)
    // Validate that user is allowed to remove protection.
    if (fileHandler->GetProtection()->AccessCheck(mip::rights::Export() || fileHandler->GetProtection()->AccessCheck(mip::rights::Owner()))
        auto commitPromise = std::make_shared<std::promise<bool>>();
        auto commitFuture = commitPromise->get_future();
        // Remove protection and commit changes to file.
        fileHandler->CommitAsync(outputFile, commitPromise);
        result = commitFuture.get();
        // Throw an exception if the user doesn't have rights to remove protection.
        throw std::runtime_error("User doesn't have EXPORT or OWNER right.");

.NET example:

if(handler.Protection != null)
    // Validate that user has rights to remove protection from the file.                    
    if(handler.Protection.AccessCheck(Rights.Export) || handler.Protection.AccessCheck(Rights.Owner))
        // If user has Extract right, remove protection and commit the change. Otherwise, throw exception. 
        bool result = handler.CommitAsync(outputPath).GetAwaiter().GetResult();     
        return result;   
        throw new Microsoft.InformationProtection.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException("User lacks EXPORT right.");