ActorService Interface

public interface ActorService extends Service

Defines the interface containing methods which can be called at Actor Service level.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
CompletableFuture<?> deleteActorAsync(ActorId actorId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes an Actor from the Actor service.

An active actor, will be deactivated and its state will also be deleted from state provider. An in-active actor's state will be deleted from state provider. If this method is called for a non-existent actor id in the system, it will be a no-op.

CompletableFuture<PagedResult<ActorInformation>> getActorsAsync(ContinuationToken continuationToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Gets the list of Actors by querying the actor service.

Method Details


public CompletableFuture deleteActorAsync(ActorId actorId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Deletes an Actor from the Actor service.

An active actor, will be deactivated and its state will also be deleted from state provider. An in-active actor's state will be deleted from state provider. If this method is called for a non-existent actor id in the system, it will be a no-op.


actorId -

ActorId of the actor to be deleted.

cancellationToken -

CancellationToken object to indicate the cancellation status of the operation.


A task that represents the asynchronous operation of call to server.


public CompletableFuture> getActorsAsync(ContinuationToken continuationToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Gets the list of Actors by querying the actor service.


continuationToken - A continuation token to start querying the results from. A null value of continuation token means start returning values form the beginning.
cancellationToken -

CancellationToken object to indicate the cancellation status of the operation.


A future that represents the asynchronous operation of call to server.

Applies to