Quota interface

Interface representing a Quota.


beginCreateOrUpdate(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams)

Create or update the quota limit for the specified resource with the requested value. To update the quota, follow these steps:

  1. Use the GET operation for quotas and usages to determine how much quota remains for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams)

Create or update the quota limit for the specified resource with the requested value. To update the quota, follow these steps:

  1. Use the GET operation for quotas and usages to determine how much quota remains for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
beginUpdate(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaUpdateOptionalParams)

Update the quota limit for a specific resource to the specified value:

  1. Use the Usages-GET and Quota-GET operations to determine the remaining quota for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
beginUpdateAndWait(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaUpdateOptionalParams)

Update the quota limit for a specific resource to the specified value:

  1. Use the Usages-GET and Quota-GET operations to determine the remaining quota for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
get(string, string, QuotaGetOptionalParams)

Get the quota limit of a resource. The response can be used to determine the remaining quota to calculate a new quota limit that can be submitted with a PUT request.

list(string, QuotaListOptionalParams)

Get a list of current quota limits of all resources for the specified scope. The response from this GET operation can be leveraged to submit requests to update a quota.

Method Details

beginCreateOrUpdate(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams)

Create or update the quota limit for the specified resource with the requested value. To update the quota, follow these steps:

  1. Use the GET operation for quotas and usages to determine how much quota remains for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
function beginCreateOrUpdate(resourceName: string, scope: string, createQuotaRequest: CurrentQuotaLimitBase, options?: QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<SimplePollerLike<OperationState<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>, CurrentQuotaLimitBase>>




Resource name for a given resource provider. For example: - SKU name for Microsoft.Compute - SKU or TotalLowPriorityCores for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices For Microsoft.Network PublicIPAddresses.



The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


Quota request payload.


The options parameters.


Promise<@azure/core-lro.SimplePollerLike<OperationState<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>, CurrentQuotaLimitBase>>

beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams)

Create or update the quota limit for the specified resource with the requested value. To update the quota, follow these steps:

  1. Use the GET operation for quotas and usages to determine how much quota remains for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
function beginCreateOrUpdateAndWait(resourceName: string, scope: string, createQuotaRequest: CurrentQuotaLimitBase, options?: QuotaCreateOrUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>




Resource name for a given resource provider. For example: - SKU name for Microsoft.Compute - SKU or TotalLowPriorityCores for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices For Microsoft.Network PublicIPAddresses.



The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


Quota request payload.


The options parameters.


beginUpdate(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaUpdateOptionalParams)

Update the quota limit for a specific resource to the specified value:

  1. Use the Usages-GET and Quota-GET operations to determine the remaining quota for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
function beginUpdate(resourceName: string, scope: string, createQuotaRequest: CurrentQuotaLimitBase, options?: QuotaUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<SimplePollerLike<OperationState<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>, CurrentQuotaLimitBase>>




Resource name for a given resource provider. For example: - SKU name for Microsoft.Compute - SKU or TotalLowPriorityCores for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices For Microsoft.Network PublicIPAddresses.



The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


Quota requests payload.


The options parameters.


Promise<@azure/core-lro.SimplePollerLike<OperationState<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>, CurrentQuotaLimitBase>>

beginUpdateAndWait(string, string, CurrentQuotaLimitBase, QuotaUpdateOptionalParams)

Update the quota limit for a specific resource to the specified value:

  1. Use the Usages-GET and Quota-GET operations to determine the remaining quota for the specific resource and to calculate the new quota limit. These steps are detailed in this example.
  2. Use this PUT operation to update the quota limit. Please check the URI in location header for the detailed status of the request.
function beginUpdateAndWait(resourceName: string, scope: string, createQuotaRequest: CurrentQuotaLimitBase, options?: QuotaUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<CurrentQuotaLimitBase>




Resource name for a given resource provider. For example: - SKU name for Microsoft.Compute - SKU or TotalLowPriorityCores for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices For Microsoft.Network PublicIPAddresses.



The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


Quota requests payload.


The options parameters.


get(string, string, QuotaGetOptionalParams)

Get the quota limit of a resource. The response can be used to determine the remaining quota to calculate a new quota limit that can be submitted with a PUT request.

function get(resourceName: string, scope: string, options?: QuotaGetOptionalParams): Promise<QuotaGetResponse>




Resource name for a given resource provider. For example: - SKU name for Microsoft.Compute - SKU or TotalLowPriorityCores for Microsoft.MachineLearningServices For Microsoft.Network PublicIPAddresses.



The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


The options parameters.



list(string, QuotaListOptionalParams)

Get a list of current quota limits of all resources for the specified scope. The response from this GET operation can be leveraged to submit requests to update a quota.

function list(scope: string, options?: QuotaListOptionalParams): PagedAsyncIterableIterator<CurrentQuotaLimitBase, CurrentQuotaLimitBase[], PageSettings>




The target Azure resource URI. For example, /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/qms-test/providers/Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/testAccount/. This is the target Azure resource URI for the List GET operation. If a {resourceName} is added after /quotas, then it's the target Azure resource URI in the GET operation for the specific resource.


The options parameters.
