@azure/keyvault-admin package
KeyVaultAccessControlClient |
The KeyVaultAccessControlClient provides methods to manage access control and role assignments in any given Azure Key Vault instance. The client supports creating, retrieving and deleting roles. |
KeyVaultBackupClient |
The KeyVaultBackupClient provides methods to generate backups and restore backups of any given Azure Key Vault instance. This client supports generating full backups, selective restores of specific keys and full restores of Key Vault instances. |
KeyVaultSettingsClient |
The KeyVaultSettingsClient provides asynchronous methods to create, update, get and list settings for the Azure Key Vault. |
AccessControlClientOptions |
The optional parameters accepted by the Key Vault's AccessControlClient |
BooleanKeyVaultSetting |
A Key Vault setting of boolean type. To check if a given KeyVaultSetting is a boolean, use isBooleanSetting. |
CreateRoleAssignmentOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to createRoleAssignment(string, string, string, string, CreateRoleAssignmentOptions) |
DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to deleteRoleAssignment(string, string, DeleteRoleAssignmentOptions) |
DeleteRoleDefinitionOptions |
An interface representing optional parameters passed to deleteRoleDefinition(string, string, DeleteRoleDefinitionOptions). |
GetRoleAssignmentOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to getRoleAssignment(string, string, GetRoleAssignmentOptions) |
GetRoleDefinitionOptions |
An interface representing optional parameters passed to getRoleDefinition(string, string, GetRoleDefinitionOptions). |
GetSettingOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to getSetting |
KeyVaultAdminPollOperationState |
An interface representing the state of a Key Vault Admin Poller's operation. |
KeyVaultBackupClientOptions |
The optional parameters accepted by the KeyVaultBackupClient |
KeyVaultBackupPollerOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to beginBackup(string, string, KeyVaultBeginBackupOptions) |
KeyVaultBackupResult |
An interface representing the result of a backup operation. |
KeyVaultBeginBackupOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to beginBackup(string, string, KeyVaultBeginBackupOptions) |
KeyVaultBeginRestoreOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to beginRestore(string, string, KeyVaultBeginRestoreOptions) |
KeyVaultBeginSelectiveKeyRestoreOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to beginSelectiveKeyRestore(string, string, string, KeyVaultBeginSelectiveKeyRestoreOptions) |
KeyVaultPermission |
A list of Key Vault permissions. |
KeyVaultRestoreOperationState |
An interface representing the publicly available properties of the state of a restore Key Vault's poll operation. |
KeyVaultRestoreResult |
An interface representing the result of a restore operation. |
KeyVaultRoleAssignment |
A Key Vault role assignment. |
KeyVaultRoleAssignmentProperties |
Role assignment properties. |
KeyVaultRoleDefinition |
A Key Vault role definition. |
KeyVaultSelectiveKeyRestoreOperationState |
An interface representing the publicly available properties of the state of a restore Key Vault's poll operation. |
KeyVaultSelectiveKeyRestoreResult |
An interface representing the result of a selective key restore operation. |
KeyVaultSetting |
A Key Vault setting. |
ListRoleAssignmentsOptions |
An interface representing optional parameters passed to listRoleAssignments(string, ListRoleAssignmentsOptions). |
ListRoleAssignmentsPageSettings |
Arguments for retrieving the next page of search results. |
ListRoleDefinitionsOptions |
An interface representing optional parameters passed to listRoleDefinitions(string, ListRoleDefinitionsOptions). |
ListRoleDefinitionsPageSettings |
Arguments for retrieving the next page of search results. |
ListSettingsOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to <xref:KeyVaultSettingsClient.listSettings> |
ListSettingsResponse |
An interface representing the response returned by <xref:KeyVaultSettingsClient.listSettings> |
SetRoleDefinitionOptions |
An interface representing optional parameters passed to setRoleDefinition(string, SetRoleDefinitionOptions). |
SettingsClientOptions |
The optional parameters accepted by the KeyVaultSettingsClient. |
UpdateSettingOptions |
An interface representing the optional parameters that can be passed to updateSetting |
Type Aliases
KeyVaultBackupOperationState |
An interface representing the publicly available properties of the state of a backup Key Vault's poll operation. |
KeyVaultDataAction |
Defines values for DataAction. Known values supported by the serviceMicrosoft.KeyVault/managedHsm/keys/read/action: Read HSM key metadata. |
KeyVaultRoleScope |
Defines values for RoleScope. Known values supported by the service/: Global scope |
Supported API versions |
KnownKeyVaultDataAction |
Known values of KeyVaultDataAction that the service accepts. |
KnownKeyVaultRoleScope |
Known values of KeyVaultRoleScope that the service accepts. |
is |
Determines whether a given KeyVaultSetting is a BooleanKeyVaultSetting, i.e. has a boolean value. |
Function Details
Determines whether a given KeyVaultSetting is a BooleanKeyVaultSetting, i.e. has a boolean value.
function isBooleanSetting(setting: KeyVaultSetting): setting
- setting
- KeyVaultSetting