KnownContentFormat enum
Known values of ContentFormat that the service accepts.
GraphqlLink | The GraphQL API endpoint hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |
Openapi | The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 3.0 YAML Document. |
OpenapiJson | The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 3.0 JSON Document. |
OpenapiJsonLink | The OpenAPI 3.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |
OpenapiLink | The OpenAPI 3.0 YAML document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |
SwaggerJson | The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 2.0 JSON Document. |
SwaggerLinkJson | The OpenAPI 2.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |
WadlLinkJson | The WADL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |
WadlXml | The contents are inline and Content type is a WADL document. |
Wsdl | The contents are inline and the document is a WSDL/Soap document. |
WsdlLink | The WSDL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address. |