@azure/cognitiveservices-autosuggest package
AutoSuggestClient | |
AutoSuggestClientContext |
Action |
An interface representing Action. |
Answer |
Defines an answer. |
AutoSuggestClientAutoSuggestOptionalParams |
Optional Parameters. |
AutoSuggestClientOptions |
An interface representing AutoSuggestClientOptions. |
CreativeWork |
The most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc. |
ErrorModel |
Defines the error that occurred. |
ErrorResponse |
The top-level response that represents a failed request. |
Identifiable |
Defines the identity of a resource. |
QueryContext |
Defines the query context that Bing used for the request. |
Response |
Defines a response. All schemas that could be returned at the root of a response should inherit from this |
ResponseBase |
Response base |
SearchAction |
An interface representing SearchAction. |
SearchResultsAnswer |
Defines a search result answer. |
Suggestions |
An interface representing Suggestions. |
SuggestionsSuggestionGroup |
An interface representing SuggestionsSuggestionGroup. |
Thing |
Defines a thing. |
Type Aliases
ActionUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Action. |
AnswerUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Answer. |
AutoSuggestResponse |
Contains response data for the autoSuggest operation. |
CreativeWorkUnion |
Contains the possible cases for CreativeWork. |
ErrorCode |
Defines values for ErrorCode. Possible values include: 'None', 'ServerError', 'InvalidRequest', 'RateLimitExceeded', 'InvalidAuthorization', 'InsufficientAuthorization' |
IdentifiableUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Identifiable. |
ResponseBaseUnion |
Contains the possible cases for ResponseBase. |
ResponseFormat |
Defines values for ResponseFormat. Possible values include: 'Json', 'JsonLd' |
ResponseUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Response. |
SafeSearch |
Defines values for SafeSearch. Possible values include: 'Off', 'Moderate', 'Strict' |
ScenarioType |
Defines values for ScenarioType. Possible values include: 'Unknown', 'Web', 'StoreApps', 'SearchHistory', 'PersonalSearchDocuments', 'PersonalSearchTags', 'Custom' |
SearchKind |
Defines values for SearchKind. Possible values include: 'WebSearch', 'HistorySearch', 'DocumentSearch', 'TagSearch', 'LocationSearch', 'CustomSearch' |
SearchResultsAnswerUnion |
Contains the possible cases for SearchResultsAnswer. |
ThingUnion |
Contains the possible cases for Thing. |