@azure/communication-calling package
CallClient |
The CallClient is the main entry point to the SDK. The CallClient is used to create the CallAgent and to get the DeviceManager. |
LocalAudioStream |
Represents a local audio stream for a local michrophone device |
LocalVideoStream |
Represents a local video stream for a local camera device |
VideoStreamRenderer |
The renderer for a video stream |
AcceptCallOptions |
Options for accepting an incoming call. Pass video streams that will be used to accept an incoming call. If videoOptions is undefined, then the incoming call will be accepted with local video off. If AudioOptions is undefined, then the incoming call will be accepted with default microphone as source from device manager. |
ActiveAudioEffects |
Represents the current active audio effects |
AddCommunicationUserOptions |
Options for adding a AddCommunicationUserOptions participant to an on-going call. |
AddMicrosoftTeamsUserOptions |
Options for adding a MicrosoftTeamsUser participant to an on-going call. |
AddPhoneNumberOptions |
Options for adding a PSTN participant to an on-going call. |
AddTeamsParticipantOptions |
Options for adding a Teams participant to an on-going Teams call. |
AdmitAllOperationResult |
Result for admit all participants. |
AdmitLobbyParticipantOptions |
Options for admit participant from Lobby. |
AssignedBreakoutRoomsEvent |
Name of interface for assigned breakout room event |
AudioDeviceInfo |
Information about a microphone or speaker device. |
AudioEffect |
Base audio effect. |
AudioEffectsFeature |
API interface for the AudioEffects feature |
AudioEffectsStartConfig |
Represents the audio effects config while starting effects |
AudioEffectsStopConfig |
Represents the audio effects config while stopping effects |
AudioInCallDiagnostics |
Audio quality diagnostics |
AudioOptions |
Audio options provided when making an outgoing call or joining a group call. |
AudioStreamFeature |
Represents a Audio stream feature |
AudioStreamFeatureContext |
Represents the context provided for extended audio/video stream features at the constructor. |
AudioStreamFeatureFactory |
Represents the factory of the audio stream features |
BackgroundBlurEffect |
Background blur effect. |
BackgroundReplacementConfig |
Background replacement config. |
BackgroundReplacementEffect |
Background replacement effect. |
BaseFeature |
Represents the base interface for any Feature |
BaseInCallDiagnostics |
In Call diagnostics gathered |
BaseMediaAccess |
MediaAccess state changed event object |
BreakoutRoom |
Breakout room details |
BreakoutRoomsCallFeature |
Breakout rooms call feature. |
BreakoutRoomsEvent |
Name of interface for all BreakoutRooms available Event |
BreakoutRoomsSettings |
Breakout room settings available once the user joins the breakout room |
BreakoutRoomsSettingsEvent |
Name of interface for breakoutroom settings available event |
Call |
Represents a Call. |
CallAgent |
The CallAgent is used to handle calls. |
CallAgentCommon |
CallAgent common interface. |
CallAgentFeature |
Represents a CallAgent Feature. |
CallAgentFeatureContext |
Represents the context provided for extended call agent features at the constructor. |
CallAgentFeatureFactory |
Represents the factory of call agent features |
CallAgentOptions |
Options for creating CallAgent. |
CallClientFeature |
Represents a CallClient Feature. |
CallClientFeatureContext |
Represents the context provided for extended call client features at the constructor. |
CallClientFeatureFactory |
Represents the factory of call client agent features |
CallClientOptions |
Call client options |
CallCommon |
The Call common interface. |
CallConstraints |
Represents constraints for a call |
CallDiagnostics |
Call diagnostics |
CallEndReason |
Describes the reason why the call ended. |
CallFeature |
Represents a Call Feature. |
CallFeatureContext |
Represents the context provided for extended call features at the constructor. |
CallFeatureFactory |
Represents the factory of call features |
CallInfo |
Information about a Call. |
CallInfoCommon |
CallInfo common interface. |
CallRating |
Represents a call survey rating. |
CallSurvey |
Represents the end of call survey. |
CallSurveyFeature |
Feature for ACS Live Streaming |
CallSurveyResponse |
Represents the end of call survey response. |
CallerInfo |
Caller Information. |
CapabilitiesChangeInfo |
Data structure received for each CapabilitiesChangedEventType event. |
CapabilitiesFeature |
Capabilities Feature. |
Captions |
Data structure for Captions object |
CaptionsCallFeature |
Feature for Captions |
CaptionsCommon |
Data structure for CaptionsCommon object |
CaptionsInfo |
Data structure received for each CaptionsReceivedEventType event |
CommunicationServicesError |
Error that get's throw when API call fails. |
CompositeAudioDeviceInfo |
Information about a composite audio device. |
CreateViewOptions |
Options for the renderer of a video stream. |
CustomContext |
Received Options on call custom context. |
CustomContextOptions |
Options for call custom context. |
DataChannelCallFeature |
DataChannel Call Feature |
DataChannelMessage |
DataChannel message |
DataChannelReceiver |
DataChannel receiver |
DataChannelSender |
DataChannel sender |
DebugInfoCallClientFeature |
Feature for call debug info. |
DebugInfoDump |
dump id is a uniqueIdentifier for each debug info dump |
DeepNoiseSuppressionEffect |
Deep noise suppression effect |
DeviceAccess |
Permissions granted by the user. |
DeviceCompatibility |
Device compatibility information |
DeviceEnumeration |
Device enumeration information |
DeviceManager |
The Device Manager is used to handle system media devices such as cameras, microphones, and speakers. |
DiagnosticOptions |
Diagnostic options |
Disposable |
Dispose of an object. |
DominantSpeakersCallFeature |
Feature for call dominant speaker. |
DominantSpeakersInfo |
Information about the dominant speakers of a call |
EmergencyCallOptions | |
EndpointDetails |
Details of a remote participant's endpoint |
FeatureFactory |
Represents the interface for factoring a feature |
GroupCallLocator |
Locator used for joining a group call. |
GroupChatCallLocator |
Locator used to joining group chat call. |
HangUpOptions |
Options for hanging up a call. |
IceServer |
Represents an ice server (stun/turn) |
InCallDiagnostics |
Call diagnostic information |
IncomingAudioMediaStats |
Generic type of audio receive media stats |
IncomingCall |
Represents an incoming call. |
IncomingCallCommon |
The incoming call common interface. |
IncomingCallPushNotificationData |
Incoming call push notification data |
IncomingVideoMediaStats |
Generic type of video receive media stats |
Invitee |
Invitee details |
JoinBreakoutRoomsEvent |
Name of event type for breakoutroom joined event |
JoinCallOptions |
Options for joining a group call. Pass video stream that will be used to start a call. Remote participants in the call will receive your video stream so that they can render it in their UIs. Pass audio options weather to join the call muted or unmuted. If videoOptions is undefined, then call will be started with local video off. |
LatestMediaDiagnostics |
Latest media diagnostics that were raised. |
LatestNetworkDiagnostics |
Latest network diagnostics that were raised. |
Lobby |
Teams meeting lobby |
LocalRecordingCallFeature |
Feature for call recording. |
LocalRecordingInfo |
Local Recording Information. |
MediaAccess |
MediaAccess state changed event object |
MediaAccessCallFeature |
Feature for media access. |
MediaAccessChangedEvent |
Media access changed event information |
MediaConstraintRange |
Constraint range |
MediaDiagnostics |
Media Diagnostics |
MediaStatsCallFeature |
Feature for getting media stats while in a call. |
MediaStatsCollector |
Media stats collector. |
MediaStatsReportSample |
media stats from 'sampleReported' event |
MediaStatsReportSummary |
Aggregated media stats from 'summaryReported' event |
MeetingMediaAccess |
Meeting media access state changed event object |
MeetingMediaAccessChangedEvent |
Meeting media access changed event information |
NetworkConfiguration |
Represents the network configuration to set while creating the call client |
NetworkDiagnostics |
Network Diagnostics |
OnBehalfOfOptions |
Options for OnBehalfOf another user |
OptimalVideoCountCallFeature |
Feature for Optimal Video count |
OutgoingAudioMediaStats |
Generic type of audio send media stats |
OutgoingVideoMediaStats |
Generic type of video send media stats |
PPTLiveCallFeature |
PPTLive feature. |
ParticipantInfo |
Represents a participant in a call. |
PermissionConstraints |
Define constraints for accessing local devices. |
PreCallDiagnosticsFeature |
PreCallDiagnostics feature |
ProxyConfiguration |
Represents the proxy configuration of the proxy server to send traffic through that proxy server. |
RaiseHandCallFeature |
Raise hand call reaction feature. |
RaisedHand |
Raise hand state object |
RaisedHandChangedEvent |
Lower hand event information |
RatingScale |
Rating scale to override the default scale |
ReactionCallFeature |
Meeting reaction feature. |
ReactionEventPayload |
Reaction message data model |
ReactionMessage |
Reaction Message type |
RecordingCallFeature |
Feature for call recording. |
RecordingInfo |
Call Recording Information. |
RejectLobbyParticipantOptions |
Options for reject a participant from Lobby. |
RemoteAudioStream |
Remote audio stream of the call. |
RemoteDiagnostics |
Remote Diagnostics |
RemoteParticipant |
Represents a remote participant in a call. |
RemoteParticipantDiagnosticsData |
Remote diagnostics that were raised. |
RemoteVideoStream |
Represents a remote participant's video or screen-sharing. |
RemoteVideoStreamCommon |
Represents a remote participant's video or screen-sharing or live stream. |
RoomCallLocator |
Locator used for joining a room call. |
SpotlightCallFeature |
Spotlight call feature. |
SpotlightedParticipant |
Spotlight state changed event object |
StartCallOptions |
Options for starting an outgoing call. |
StartCaptionsOptions |
Options passed to StartCaptions |
StartTeamsCallOptions |
Options for starting an outgoing Teams call. |
StartTeamsGroupCallOptions |
Options for starting an outgoing Teams group call. |
StreamSize |
Stream size. |
SubmitSurveyOptions |
Options for submitting call survey. |
TeamsCall |
Represents a Teams Call. |
TeamsCallAgent |
The TeamsCallAgent is used to handle Teams calls. |
TeamsCallAgentOptions |
Options for creating TeamsCallAgent. |
TeamsCallInfo |
Information about a Teams Call. |
TeamsCaptions |
Data structure for TeamsCaptions object |
TeamsCaptionsInfo |
Data structure received for each CaptionsReceivedEventType event |
TeamsIncomingCall |
Reoresents a Teams incoming call. |
TeamsMeetingAudioConferencingCallFeature |
TeamsMeetingAudioConferencing call feature. |
TeamsMeetingAudioConferencingDetails |
Represents a Teams meeting audio conferencing details |
TeamsMeetingAudioConferencingPhoneNumber |
Represents phone number assigned to a audio conferencing bridge |
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator |
Locator used for joining a meeting with meeting coordinates. |
TeamsMeetingIdLocator |
Locator used for joining a meeting with meeting id and code. |
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator |
Locator used for joining a meeting with meeting link. |
TogetherModeCallFeature |
Together mode call feature. |
TogetherModeSceneSize |
Scene Size of Together Mode |
TogetherModeSeatingPosition |
Together Mode Seating position CSS coordinates |
TogetherModeVideoStream |
Represents a together mode bot video stream. |
TranscriptionCallFeature |
Feature for call transcription. |
Transfer |
Represents a Transfer Object |
TransferCallFeature |
Feature for call transfer. |
TransferErrorCode |
Transfer error code |
TransferEventArgs |
Transfer event base |
TransferToCallLocator |
Transfer call into another call |
TransferToCallOptions |
Options for transfering a call to a call |
TransferToParticipantLocator |
Transfer call to participant |
TransferToParticipantOptions |
Options for transfering a call to a participant |
TransferToVoicemailLocator |
Transfer call to voicemail |
TransferToVoicemailOptions |
Options for transferring a call to voicemail |
TransportMediaStats |
Generic type of transport media stats |
TurnConfiguration |
Represents the turn server configuration to send all media traffic through it. |
UserFacingDiagnosticsFeature |
Feature for call diagnostics. |
VideoConstraints |
Constraint of video stream |
VideoDeviceInfo |
Information about a camera device. |
VideoEffect |
Base video effect. |
VideoEffectConfig |
Base video effect config. |
VideoEffectsFeature |
API interface for the VideoEffects feature |
VideoInCallDiagnostics |
Video quality diagnostics |
VideoOptions |
Represents video option in CallOption |
VideoStreamFeature |
Represents a Video stream feature |
VideoStreamFeatureContext |
Represents the context provided for extended audio/video stream features at the constuctor. |
VideoStreamFeatureFactory |
Represents the factory of video stream features |
VideoStreamRendererView |
The view for a video stream. |
Volume |
Type Aliases
AudioDeviceType |
Type of an audio device. |
AudioEffectsFeatureErrorListener |
Audio effects feature error listener callback type |
AudioEffectsFeatureEvent |
Audio effects feature events |
AudioEffectsFeatureListener |
Audio effects feature listener callback type |
AudioIssue |
Represents the end of call survey audio issues. Example
AudioSourceChangedEvent |
Payload for audio source changed event. |
AudioStreamFeatureCtor |
Represents the constructor for AudioStreamFeature object, along with the context argument. |
BackgroundBlurConfig |
Background blur config. |
BreakoutRoomState |
Breakout room state |
BreakoutRoomsEventData |
Name of event type for all BreakoutRooms updated events |
BreakoutRoomsUpdated |
Name of event type for all BreakoutRooms updated |
BreakoutRoomsUpdatedListener |
Callback definition for handling breakout rooms events. |
CallAgentFeatureCtor |
Represents the constructor for CallAgentFeature objects, along with the context argument. |
CallClientFeatureCtor |
Represents the constructor for CallClientFeature objects, along with the context argument. |
CallDirection |
Direction of a call:
CallEndedEvent |
Payload for call ended event. |
CallFeatureCtor |
Represents the constructor for CallFeature objects, along with the context argument. |
CallInformationContext | |
CallInformationIdentifierKind | |
CallInformationScenario | |
CallInitializationResult |
Call stack initialization states |
CallState |
Call states. |
CapabilitiesChangeHandler |
Callback definition for handling the CaptionsReceivedEventType event. |
CapabilitiesChangedEventType |
Event type for capabilities changed event |
CapabilitiesChangedReason |
Capabilities Changed Reason |
CapabilityResolutionReason |
Capability Resolution Reason |
CaptionLanguageChangedEventType |
Event type for caption language changed event |
CaptionsHandler |
Callback definition for handling the CaptionsReceivedEventType event |
CaptionsKind |
Captions Type for classifying Captions object kind |
CaptionsKindChangedEventType |
Event type for Captions Type changed event |
CaptionsPropertyChangedEventType |
Event type for captions property changed event |
CaptionsReceivedEventType |
Event type for captions received event |
CaptionsResultType |
Type for classifying the finality of the current phrase's transcription CaptionInfo will have ResultType of Partial if the text contains partially spoken sentence. CaptionInfo will have ResultType of Final if once the sentence has been completely transcribed. |
ChangedParticipantCapabilities |
Changed Participant Capabilities |
CollectionUpdatedEvent |
Payload for collection updated event. |
CompositeAudioDeviceType |
Type of a composite audio device. |
ConnectionState |
The ConnectionState is used to indicate the connection state of the CallAgent.
ConnectionStateChangedEvent |
Payload for state changed event. |
ConnectionStateChangedReason |
Reason why connection state changed. |
DataChannelPriority |
priority option in DataChannelSenderOpenOptions |
DataChannelReceiverCloseEvent |
DataChannel close event listener |
DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent |
DataChannel dataChannelReceiverCreated event listener |
DataChannelReceiverMessageReadyEvent |
DataChannel messageReady event listener |
DataChannelReliability |
reliability option in DataChannelSenderOpenOptions |
DataChannelSenderOpenOptions |
Sender options for creating a DataChannel sender object |
DeviceAvailabilityGrade |
Device availability grade |
DeviceSupportGrade |
Browser/OS support grade |
DeviceType |
Type of device. |
DiagnosticChangedEventArgs |
Listener arguments for the call 'diagnosticChanged' event
DiagnosticFlag |
Boolean flag value for boolean related diagnostics such as DeviceSpeakWhileMuted, NoNetwork etc... |
DiagnosticValueType |
Diagnostic value type. DiagnosticQuality or DiagnosticFlag |
DtmfTone |
DTMF tone for PSTN calls. |
Environment |
Browser info |
EnvironmentInfo |
Environment Info |
GroupLocator |
Group locator. |
IncomingCallEvent |
Payload for incoming call event. |
IncomingScreenShareMediaStats |
Generic type of screenshare receive media stats |
LatestDiagnosticValue |
Latest value for a call diagnostic |
LoweredHandEventType |
Name of event type for lowered hand feature |
LoweredHandListener |
Callback definition for handling the LowerHandEventType event. |
MediaAccessChangedListener |
Callback definition for handling the mediaAccessChanged event. |
MediaDiagnosticChangedEventArgs |
MediaDiagnosticType |
Media diagnostic types |
MediaStatValue |
Properties of stats in summaryReported event |
MediaStatsAggregation |
Properties of aggregation for each stats field. |
MediaStatsCollectorOptions |
Options for media stats collector |
MediaStatsReportSampleEvent |
Payload for media stats emitted sampleReported event. |
MediaStatsReportSummaryEvent |
Payload for media stats emitted summaryReported event. |
MediaStreamType |
Media stream type.
MeetingLocator |
Meeting locator. |
MeetingMediaAccessChangedListener |
Callback definition for handling the mediaAccessChanged event. |
NetworkDiagnosticChangedEventArgs |
NetworkDiagnosticType |
Type of network diagnostic |
NoiseSuppressionEffectName |
Represents noise suppression effect names |
OutgoingScreenShareMediaStats |
Generic type of screenshare send media stats |
OverallIssue |
Represents the end of call survey call issues. Example
ParticipantCapabilities |
Participant Capabilities |
ParticipantCapabilityName |
Capability Resolution Reason |
ParticipantRole |
Participant role. |
PreCallDiagnosticsResult |
Diagnostic results |
PropertyChangedEvent |
Payload for property changed event. |
PushNotificationData |
Push notification data |
QualityGrade |
Call quality grade |
RaisedHandEventType |
Name of event type for raise hand feature |
RaisedHandListener |
Callback definition for handling the RaisedHandEventType event. |
Reaction |
Reaction types defined for everyone |
ReactionListener |
Callback definition for handling the ReactionEventType event. |
RemoteDiagnostic |
Remote users facing diagnostics payload. |
RemoteParticipantState |
Remote participant state. |
ResultCategories |
Error result categories |
RoomLocator |
Room locator. |
RunOptions |
PreCallDiagnostics options |
ScalingMode |
The scaling mode for the view of a video stream. |
ScreenshareIssue |
Represents the end of call survey screenshare issues. Example
ServerDiagnosticType |
Server diagnostics |
SpokenLanguageChangedEventType |
Event type for captions spoken language changed event |
SpotlightChangedEventType |
Name of event type for Spotlight feature |
TeamsCaptionsHandler |
Callback definition for handling the CaptionsReceivedEventType event |
TeamsIncomingCallEvent |
Payload for Teams incoming call event. |
TogetherModeSceneUpdatedListener |
Callback definition for handling the togetherMode scene update event. |
TogetherModeSeatingMap |
Mapping of participant's MRI to seating position |
TogetherModeSeatingUpdatedListener |
Callback definition for handling the togetherMode seating update event. |
TranscriptionPropertyChangedEventType |
Transcription property changed event. |
TransferAcceptedEvent |
Event that a transfer was accepted |
TransferAcceptedEventType |
Name of event type for transfer accepted |
TransferState |
Transfer state |
VideoDeviceType |
Type of a video device. |
VideoEffectError |
Video effect error type. |
VideoEffectErrorPayload |
Video effect error payload. |
VideoEffectName |
Represents the name of a video effect. |
VideoEffectProcessor |
Union type for all effects |
VideoEffectsFeatureErrorListener |
Listener type for the 'effectsError' subscribe function |
VideoEffectsFeatureEvent |
Types of subscribe events |
VideoEffectsFeatureListener |
Listener type for effects feature subscribe functions |
VideoIssue |
Represents the end of call survey video issues. Example
VideoSendConstraints |
Represents video stream constraints |
VideoSourceChangedEvent |
Payload for video source changed event. |
VideoStreamFeatureCtor |
Represents the constructor for VideoStreamFeature object, along with the context argument. |
xHeader |
X-header. |
CallAgentKind |
The kind of call agent object. |
CallKind |
The kind of call object. |
DiagnosticQuality |
Quality value for Quality related diagnostics such as NetworkSendQuality, NetworkRevQuality, etc... Good = 1, no problem. Poor = 2, mild problem. Bad = 3, severe problem. |
IncomingCallKind |
The kind of incoming call object. |
LocalRecordingState |
Local recoring state |
RecordingState |
Recording state. |