ExcelScript.PivotDateFilter interface

Configurable template for a date filter to apply to a PivotField. The condition defines what criteria need to be set in order for the filter to operate.



The comparator is the static value to which other values are compared. The type of comparison is defined by the condition.


Specifies the condition for the filter, which defines the necessary filtering criteria.


If true, filter excludes items that meet criteria. The default is false (filter to include items that meet criteria).


The lower-bound of the range for the between filter condition.


The upper-bound of the range for the between filter condition.


For equals, before, after, and between filter conditions, indicates if comparisons should be made as whole days.

Property Details


The comparator is the static value to which other values are compared. The type of comparison is defined by the condition.

comparator?: FilterDatetime;

Property Value


Specifies the condition for the filter, which defines the necessary filtering criteria.

condition: DateFilterCondition;

Property Value


 * This script applies a filter to a PivotTable that filters out rows 
 * that aren't from this month.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
  // Get the "Date Recorded" field to filter. 
  // The data in this field must be dates in order for the filter to work.
  const pivot = workbook.getPivotTables()[0];
  const rowHierarchy = pivot.getRowHierarchy("Date Recorded");
  const rowField = rowHierarchy.getFields()[0];

  // Apply the date filter.
    dateFilter: {
      // Setting the condition to `thisMonth` means items that are before or
      // after this month will not be displayed.
      condition: ExcelScript.DateFilterCondition.thisMonth


If true, filter excludes items that meet criteria. The default is false (filter to include items that meet criteria).

exclusive?: boolean;

Property Value



The lower-bound of the range for the between filter condition.

lowerBound?: FilterDatetime;

Property Value


 * This script applies a filter to a PivotTable that filters it
 * to only show rows from between June 20th, 2022 and July 10th, 2022.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
  // Get the "Date Recorded" field to filter. 
  // The data in this field must be dates in order for the filter to work.
  const pivot = workbook.getPivotTables()[0];
  const rowHierarchy = pivot.getRowHierarchy("Date Recorded");
  const rowField = rowHierarchy.getFields()[0];

  // Create the filter's date boundaries.
  let earliestDate: ExcelScript.FilterDatetime = {
    date: "2022-06-20",
    specificity: ExcelScript.FilterDatetimeSpecificity.day
  let latestDate: ExcelScript.FilterDatetime = {
    date: "2022-07-10",
    specificity: ExcelScript.FilterDatetimeSpecificity.day

  // Apply the date filter.
    dateFilter: {
      condition: ExcelScript.DateFilterCondition.between,
      lowerBound: earliestDate,
      upperBound: latestDate


The upper-bound of the range for the between filter condition.

upperBound?: FilterDatetime;

Property Value


For equals, before, after, and between filter conditions, indicates if comparisons should be made as whole days.

wholeDays?: boolean;

Property Value
