Excel JavaScript preview APIs

New Excel JavaScript APIs are first introduced in "preview" and later become part of a specific, numbered requirement set after sufficient testing occurs and user feedback is acquired.


Preview APIs are subject to change and are not intended for use in a production environment. We recommend that you try them out in test and development environments only. Do not use preview APIs in a production environment or within business-critical documents.

To use preview APIs:

The following table provides a concise summary of the APIs, while the subsequent API list table gives a detailed list.

Feature area Description Relevant objects
Document tasks Turn comments into tasks assigned to users. DocumentTask, DocumentTaskChange, DocumentTaskChangeCollection, DocumentTaskCollection
Linked data types Adds support for data types connected to Excel from external sources. LinkedDataType, LinkedDataTypeAddedEventArgs, LinkedDataTypeCollection
Table styles Provides control for font, border, fill color, and other aspects of table styles. Table, PivotTable, Slicer

API list

The following table lists the Excel JavaScript APIs currently in preview. For a complete list of all Excel JavaScript APIs (including preview APIs and previously released APIs), see all Excel JavaScript APIs.

Class Fields Description
Application formatStaleValues Specifies whether the Format Stale Values option within Calculation Options is enabled or disabled.
Base64EncodedImage data The base64 string encoding.
type The file type of the encoded image.
Chart getDataRange() Gets the data source of the whole chart.
getDataRangeOrNullObject() Gets the data source of the whole chart.
CheckboxCellControl type Represents an interactable control inside of a cell.
Comment assignTask(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) Assigns the task attached to the comment to the given user as an assignee.
getTask() Gets the task associated with this comment.
getTaskOrNullObject() Gets the task associated with this comment.
CommentReply assignTask(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) Assigns the task attached to the comment to the given user as the sole assignee.
getTask() Gets the task associated with this comment reply's thread.
getTaskOrNullObject() Gets the task associated with this comment reply's thread.
DatetimeFormatInfo shortDateTimePattern Gets the format string for a short date and time value.
DocumentTask assign(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) Adds the given user to the list of assignees attached to the task.
assignees Returns a collection of assignees of the task.
changes Gets the change records of the task.
comment Gets the comment associated with the task.
completedBy Gets the most recent user to have completed the task.
completedDateTime Gets the date and time that the task was completed.
createdBy Gets the user who created the task.
createdDateTime Gets the date and time that the task was created.
id Gets the ID of the task.
percentComplete Specifies the completion percentage of the task.
priority Specifies the priority of the task.
startAndDueDateTime Gets or sets the date and time the task should start and is due.
title Specifies title of the task.
unassign(assignee: Excel.EmailIdentity) Removes the given user from the list of assignees attached to the task.
unassignAll() Removes all users from the list of assignees attached to the task.
DocumentTaskChange assignee Represents the user assigned to the task for an assign change action, or the user unassigned from the task for an unassign change action.
changedBy Represents the identity of the user who made the task change.
commentId Represents the ID of the comment or comment reply to which the task change is anchored.
createdDateTime Represents the creation date and time of the task change record.
dueDateTime Represents the task's due date and time.
id The unique GUID of the task change.
percentComplete Represents the task's completion percentage.
priority Represents the task's priority.
startDateTime Represents the task's start date and time.
title Represents the task's title.
type Represents the action type of the task change record.
undoChangeId Represents the DocumentTaskChange.id property that was undone for the undo change action.
DocumentTaskChangeCollection getCount() Gets the number of change records in the collection for the task.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a task change record by using its index in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
DocumentTaskCollection getCount() Gets the number of tasks in the collection.
getItem(key: string) Gets a task using its ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a task by its index in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a task using its ID.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
DocumentTaskSchedule dueDateTime Gets the date and time that the task is due.
startDateTime Gets the date and time that the task should start.
EmailIdentity displayName Represents the user's display name.
email Represents the user's email.
id Represents the user's unique ID.
EmptyCellControl type
EntityArrayCardLayout arrayProperty Represents name of the property that contains the array shown in the card.
columnsToReport Represents the count of columns which the card claims are in the array.
displayName Represents name of the property that contains the array shown in the card.
firstRowIsHeader Represents whether the first row of the array is treated as a header.
layout Represents the type of this layout.
rowsToReport Represents the count of rows which the card claims are in the array.
EntityCardLayout layout Represents the type of this layout.
ExternalCodeServiceObjectCellValue Python_str Represents the output of str() function when used on this object.
Python_type Represents the full type name of this object.
Python_typeName Represents the short type name of this object.
basicType Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value.
basicValue Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value.
language Represents the runtime language of this external code service.
preview Represents the preview value shown in the cell.
type Represents the type of this cell value.
Identity displayName Represents the user's display name.
id Represents the user's unique ID.
LinkedDataType dataProvider The name of the data provider for the linked data type.
lastRefreshed The local time-zone date and time since the workbook was opened when the linked data type was last refreshed.
name The name of the linked data type.
periodicRefreshInterval The frequency, in seconds, at which the linked data type is refreshed if refreshMode is set to "Periodic".
refreshMode The mechanism by which the data for the linked data type is retrieved.
requestRefresh() Makes a request to refresh the linked data type.
requestSetRefreshMode(refreshMode: Excel.LinkedDataTypeRefreshMode) Makes a request to change the refresh mode for this linked data type.
serviceId The unique ID of the linked data type.
supportedRefreshModes Returns an array with all the refresh modes supported by the linked data type.
LinkedDataTypeAddedEventArgs serviceId The unique ID of the new linked data type.
source Gets the source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
LinkedDataTypeCollection getCount() Gets the number of linked data types in the collection.
getItem(key: number) Gets a linked data type by service ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a linked data type by its index in the collection.
getItemOrNullObject(key: number) Gets a linked data type by ID.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
requestRefreshAll() Makes a request to refresh all the linked data types in the collection.
LocalImage getBase64EncodedImageData(cacheUid: string) Gets the Base64-encoded image data stored in the shared image cache with the cache unique identifier (UID).
LocalImageCellValue altText Represents the alternate text used in accessibility scenarios to describe what the image represents.
attribution Represents attribution information to describe the source and license requirements for this image.
basicType Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value.
basicValue Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value.
image Represents the image itself, either cached or encoded.
provider Represents information that describes the entity or individual who provided the image.
type Represents the type of this cell value.
LocalImageCellValueCacheId cacheUid Represents the image's UID as it appears in the cache.
MixedCellControl type
NamedSheetViewCollection getItemOrNullObject(key: string) Gets a sheet view using its name.
PivotLayout getCell(dataHierarchy: DataPivotHierarchy | string, rowItems: Array<PivotItem | string>, columnItems: Array<PivotItem | string>) Gets a unique cell in the PivotTable based on a data hierarchy and the row and column items of their respective hierarchies.
pivotStyle The style applied to the PivotTable.
setStyle(style: string | PivotTableStyle | BuiltInPivotTableStyle) Sets the style applied to the PivotTable.
PythonErrorCellValue basicType Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value.
basicValue Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value.
errorType Represents the type of ErrorCellValue.
type Represents the type of this cell value.
Query delete() Deletes the query and associated connection.
refresh() Refreshes the query.
QueryCollection refreshAll() Refresh all queries.
Range clearOrResetContents() Clears the values of the cells in the range, with special consideration given to cells containing controls.
control Accesses the cell control applied to this range.
RangeAreas clearOrResetContents() Clears the values of the cells in the ranges, with special consideration given to cells containing controls.
RangeTextRun font
RefreshModeChangedEventArgs refreshMode The linked data type refresh mode.
serviceId The unique ID of the object whose refresh mode was changed.
source Gets the source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
RefreshRequestCompletedEventArgs refreshed Indicates if the request to refresh was successful.
serviceId The unique ID of the object whose refresh request was completed.
source Gets the source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
warnings An array that contains any warnings generated from the refresh request.
SettableCellProperties textRuns Represents the textRuns property.
ShapeCollection addLocalImageReference(address: string) Creates a reference for the local image stored in the cell address and displays it as a floating shape over cells.
addSvg(xml: string) Creates a scalable vector graphic (SVG) from an XML string and adds it to the worksheet.
Slicer nameInFormula Represents the slicer name used in the formula.
setStyle(style: string | SlicerStyle | BuiltInSlicerStyle) Sets the style applied to the slicer.
slicerStyle The style applied to the slicer.
Table clearStyle() Changes the table to use the default table style.
onFiltered Occurs when a filter is applied on a specific table.
setStyle(style: string | TableStyle | BuiltInTableStyle) Sets the style applied to the table.
tableStyle The style applied to the table.
TableCollection onFiltered Occurs when a filter is applied on any table in a workbook, or a worksheet.
TableFilteredEventArgs tableId Gets the ID of the table in which the filter is applied.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet which contains the table.
TimeoutErrorCellValue basicType Represents the value that would be returned by Range.valueTypes for a cell with this value.
basicValue Represents the value that would be returned by Range.values for a cell with this value.
errorSubType Represents the type of TimeoutErrorCellValue.
errorType Represents the type of ErrorCellValue.
type Represents the type of this cell value.
UnknownCellControl type
Workbook externalCodeServiceTimeout Specifies the maximum length of time, in seconds, allotted for a formula that depends on an external code service to complete.
linkedDataTypes Returns a collection of linked data types that are part of the workbook.
localImage Returns the LocalImage object associated with the workbook.
showPivotFieldList Specifies whether the PivotTable's field list pane is shown at the workbook level.
tasks Returns a collection of tasks that are present in the workbook.
use1904DateSystem True if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
Worksheet onFiltered Occurs when a filter is applied on a specific worksheet.
tasks Returns a collection of tasks that are present in the worksheet.
WorksheetCollection addFromBase64(base64File: string, sheetNamesToInsert?: string[], positionType?: Excel.WorksheetPositionType, relativeTo?: Worksheet | string) Inserts the specified worksheets of a workbook into the current workbook.
onFiltered Occurs when any worksheet's filter is applied in the workbook.
WorksheetFilteredEventArgs type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the filter is applied.

See also