
Simulates rate-limit behaviors.

Screenshot of a command prompt with Dev Proxy simulating rate limiting on GitHub APIs.

Plugin instance definition

  "name": "RateLimitingPlugin",
  "enabled": false,
  "pluginPath": "~appFolder/plugins/dev-proxy-plugins.dll",
  "configSection": "rateLimiting"

Configuration example

  "rateLimiting": {
    "costPerRequest": 2,
    "rateLimit": 120

Configuration properties

Property Description Default
headerLimit Name of the response header that communicates the rate-limiting limit RateLimit-Limit
headerRemaining Name of the response header that communicates the remaining number of resources before the reset RateLimit-Remaining
headerReset Name of the response header that communicates the time remaining until the reset RateLimit-Reset
headerRetryAfter Name of the response header that communicates the retry-after period Retry-After
costPerRequest How many resources does a request cost 2
resetTimeWindowSeconds How long in seconds until the next reset 60
warningThresholdPercent The percentage of use that's when exceeded starts returning rate limiting response headers 80
rateLimit Number of resources for a time window 120
whenLimitExceeded The behavior the plugin should use when limit is exceeded. Use Throttle or Custom. Throttle
resetFormat The format used to determine when the rate limit resets. Use SecondsLeft or UtcEpochSeconds. SecondsLeft
customResponseFile File containing a custom error response used when limit is exceeded. rate-limit-response.json

Command line options
