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Hybrid Hello World - how does it work?


This project is an experimental release. We hope you try out Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings and provide feedback at


This page is a continuation of the Build your first hybrid app walkthrough. We recommend you complete that walkthrough before continuing.


For a simpler example, start with the Build your first app walkthrough and the subsequent Hello World Walkthrough that show some more basic features of Blazor.

Let's take a look at the initial project that was created in the previous walkthrough to understand more about how to use Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings for hybrid apps.

The main project to look at is the shared project that contains the .razor files. The platform-specific projects contain only minimal code specific to Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings.

These are the notable files and folders in the shared project:

Root folder

  • _Imports.razor - Contains common directives that are applied to all other .razor files in this folder and its sub-folders. Sub-folders can have their own _Imports.razor files with additional directives. The most common directive type in this file is the @using directive, which is used to import a namespace into .razor files, exactly the same as a C# using statement.
  • App.cs - Contains the main UI entry point of the application, represented by a class that derives from the Xamarin.Forms.Application base class. The constructor of this class instantiates a host, adds services to the host, and then uses the host to add a Blazor component named Main to the main application page.
  • CounterState.cs - Contains a service that tracks a counter value and offers related APIs. This service is used in both the native and HTML parts of the app.
  • Main.razor - Contains the main Blazor UI component of the app. It contains some native UI and also a BlazorWebView component that hosts the HTML part of the app.

WebUI and wwwroot folders

These folders contain the web part of the app, which is what makes this a hybrid app. The files and folders here closely match what is found a a Blazor web app.

  • WebUI/_Imports.razor - Contains common directives for the web part of the app.
  • WebUI/App.razor - Contains the main entry point for the web part of the app.
  • WebUI/Pages folder - Contains navigable pages authored using Blazor web syntax. The .razor files here all render HTML and share app state with the rest of the app.
  • WebUI/Shared folder - Contains shared reusable UI components authored using Blazor web syntax. The .razor files here all render HTML and are used in other pages in the app. This folder also contains the MainLayout component that defines the overall shape of the web part of the app.
  • wwwroot folder - Contains static web assets used in the web part of the app. This is typically CSS files and images.

Let's dive into the interesting files.

App.cs entry point

The entry point for the app's UI is in this page. It sets up the services for the app and then initializes the UI by attaching a Mobile Blazor Bindings component to the MainPage element.

Two sets of services are registered:

  1. services.AddBlazorHybrid() adds the services required by Mobile Blazor Bindings to host Blazor Web components in the native UI.
  2. services.AddSingleton<CounterState>() adds an app-specific service that can be consumed from anywhere in the application, including code files, Blazor components, and other services. This is a singleton service, meaning that at most one instance of it will be created, thus allowing the state to be shared.

Learn more about services and DI in the dependency injection topic.

Main.razor native UI page

This is the main native UI page of the app. It contains several native UI components, such as <Label> and <Button>. It also contains a <BlazorWebView> component that hosts the Blazor web content:

<BlazorWebView VerticalOptions="LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand">
    <FirstBlazorHybridApp.WebUI.App />

A few other interesting things:

  • The <FirstBlazorHybridApp.WebUI.App /> tag is how the native part of the app references the web part of the app.
  • The @inject directive is used to reference the CounterState service.
  • The OnInitialized and Dispose methods are implemented to attach/detach a StateChanged event handler so that this UI page refreshes whenever the CounterState service indicates that the counter has changed.

CounterState.cs service

This class defines a service that is registered in App.cs. It contains state, APIs, and events used to track and report the state of the counter. Various UI components in the app use this service to display their UI and know when to refresh it,

Learn more about services and DI in the dependency injection topic.

WebUI/App.razor web entry point

This file is the main Blazor entry point for the web part of the application. It uses standard Blazor features, such as the Router. This component determines which Blazor web page to display based on the current route (or show an error if none are found).

WebUI/Shared/MainLayout.razor web layout

Common to most Blazor web apps, this component defines the overall layout of the web part of the app. Here you can include common elements such as navigation, headers, and footers that are used in the web part of the app.

WebUI/Pages/Index.razor web page

Contains a navigable page of web content. The Index page is usually the default page that is loaded prior to any navigation

wwwroot static web assets folder

This folder contains static web assets used in the web part of the app. That is, these files are served as-is by the web browser component. They are referenced using the Blazor static file path pattern, which is _content/<PROJECT_NAME>/path/to/the/file.css. For example, in this project a CSS file located in wwwroot/css/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css would be referenced as _content/FirstBlazorHybridApp/css/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css.

These files get embedded in the application and are handled by Mobile Blazor Bindings automatically. Files in this folder can be read from code by using the IFileProvider service and calling FileProvider.GetFileInfo("_content/<PROJECT_NAME>/path/to/the/file.txt"), as seen in the app's WebUI/Pages/FetchData.razor file.

This project contains the Bootstrap CSS library to provide styles for common UI scenarios.

index.html file in the Android/iOS/macOS/Windows projects

Each platform-specific project contains an index.html file that is the container page for the Blazor web UI, and includes references to the CSS files.

The location of the file on each platform is as follows:

  • Android: wwwroot/index.html
  • iOS: Resources/wwwroot/index.html
  • macOS: Resources/wwwroot/index.html
  • Windows: wwwroot/index.html

Other files

We encourage you to explore all the files in the application to learn their contents and how they interact.