CommentThreaded.Previous method (Excel)

Returns a CommentThreaded object that represents the previous threaded comment.



expression An expression that returns a CommentThreaded object.

Return value



If called on a top-level (parent) CommentThreaded object, it returns a top-level (parent) CommentThreaded object that represents the previous comment. Using this method on the first comment on a sheet returns Null (not the last comment on the previous sheet).

If called on a reply CommentThreaded object, it returns a reply CommentThreaded object that represents the previous reply of a thread. This method works only on one thread. Using this method on the first reply of a thread returns Null (not its top-level comment).


This example navigates to the previous top-level comment after the comment in range E1, and updates its text.

Worksheets(1).Range("E1").CommentThreaded.Previous.Text "CurrentSales"

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