CustomXMLPart.SelectSingleNode method (Office)

Selects a single node within a custom XML part matching an XPath expression.



expression An expression that returns a CustomXMLPart object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
XPath Required String Contains an XPath expression.

Return value



The following example demonstrates adding a custom XML part, selecting a part with a namespace URI, and then selecting a node within that part that matches an XPath expression.

Dim cxp1 As CustomXMLPart
Dim cxn As CustomXMLNode

' Add a custom XML part.
ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.Add ( _
    "<suppliers>" & _
    "<supplier ID='1'>Contoso</supplier>" & _
    "<supplier ID='2'>Wingtip Toys</supplier>" & _

' Return the last custom XML part added to the document.
Set cxp1 = ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts(ActiveDocument.CustomXMLParts.Count)

' Get a node using XPath.
Set cxn = cxp1.SelectSingleNode("//supplier[@ID=1]")

' Display the node value 'Contoso'.
MsgBox cxn.NodeValue

See also

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