Application.OpenThemeFile method (PowerPoint)

Opens the specified theme file (*thmx).


expression. OpenThemeFile(themeFileName)

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
themeFileName Required String The path of the theme file (*.thmx) to open.
themeFileName Required String

Return value



This example opens a theme file, gets the ID of the third variant in the theme, and applies it to the first slide in the presentation.

Sub ChangeThemeVariant()

    Dim name As String
    Dim path As String
    Dim variantID As String
    ' Get the name of the active theme family.
    name = ActivePresentation.TemplateName

    ' You need access to the Theme Family in order to access the variants.
    path = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 15\" & _
        ActivePresentation.TemplateName & ".thmx"

    ' Get the variant ID of the third Variant
    ' and apply that variant to the presentation.
    variantID = PowerPoint.Application.OpenThemeFile(path).ThemeVariants(3).Id
    ActivePresentation.Slides(1).ApplyTemplate2 path, variantID

End Sub

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