Project.Reports property (Project)

Gets the collection of custom reports in the project. Read-only Reports.


expression. Reports

expression A variable that represents a Project object.


The Reports object is the collection of custom reports in a project. It does not include the built-in reports, such as Project Overview, Critical Tasks, or Milestone Report. Use the Project.Reports property to get the Reports collection object, as in the following example:

Sub ListCustomReports()
    Dim oReport As Report
    Dim msg As String
    Dim msgBoxTitle As String
    msg = ""
    msgBoxTitle = "Custom reports in '" & ActiveProject.Name & "'"
    For Each oReport In ActiveProject.Reports
        msg = msg & oReport.Index & ": " & oReport.Name & vbCrLf
    Next oReport
    If ActiveProject.Reports.Count > 0 Then
        MsgBox Prompt:=msg, Title:=msgBoxTitle
        MsgBox Prompt:="This project contains no custom reports.", _
    End If
End Sub

Property value


See also

Project Object

Reports Object

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