ShapeRange.PickUp method (Project)

Copies the formatting of the shape range.



expression A variable that represents a 'ShapeRange' object.

Return value



Use the Apply method to apply copied formatting to another shape or shape range.


The following example creates three cylindrical shapes, colors the first shape red, adds the second and third shapes to a shape range, copies the formatting of the first shape, and then applies the formatting to the shape range.

Sub ApplyShapeFormat()
    Dim theReport As Report
    Dim shp1 As shape
    Dim shp2 As shape
    Dim shp3 As shape
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim sRange As ShapeRange
    reportName = "Apply Report"
    Set theReport = ActiveProject.Reports.Add(reportName)
    Set shp1 = theReport.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeCan, 10, 30, 100, 100)
    shp1.Name = "Shape 1"
    shp1.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = &H1010FF  ' Red color.
    ' Blue default color.
    Set shp2 = theReport.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeCan, 30, 140, 100, 100)
    ' Blue default color.
    Set shp3 = theReport.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeCan, 140, 140, 100, 100)
    Set sRange = theReport.Shapes.Range(Array(2, 3))
    theReport.Shapes("Shape 1").PickUp
End Sub

See also

ShapeRange Object Apply Method Shape.PickUp Method

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