Shapes.AddTable method (Project)

Adds a table to the report, and returns a Shape object that represents the table.


expression. AddTable (NumRows, NumColumns, Left, Top, Width, Height)

expression A variable that represents a Shapes object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
NumRows Required Long The number of rows in the table. NumRows is ignored when creating a table.
NumColumns Required Long The number of columns in the table. NumColumns is ignored when creating a table.
Left Required Single The left edge (in points) of the table, relative to the left side of the report pane.
Top Required Single The top edge (in points) of the table, relative to the top of the report pane.
Width Required Single The width of the table, in points.
Height Required Single The height of the table, in points.
NumRows Required INT
NumColumns Required INT
Left Required FLOAT
Top Required FLOAT
Width Required FLOAT
Height Required FLOAT
Name Required/Optional Data type Description

Return value



Project ignores NumRows and NumColumns when the AddTable method creates a table. When a table is created, it has one row and one column, which contains the text Use the Table Data taskpane to build a table (see Figure 1). When you select the table, Project shows the table data task pane named Field List, with TASKS selected by default. Using the Field List task pane, you can manually add fields to the report.

Figure 1. The AddTable method creates a table with one row and one column

Using the AddTable method


The TestReportTable macro creates the table shown in Figure 1, and then selects the table to display the Table Data task pane.

Sub TestReportTable()
    Dim theReport As Report
    Dim tableShape As shape
    Dim theReportTable As ReportTable
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim tableName As String
    Dim rows As Integer
    Dim columns As Integer
    Dim left As Integer
    Dim top As Integer
    Dim width As Integer
    Dim height As Integer
    reportName = "Table Report"
    Set theReport = ActiveProject.Reports.Add(reportName)
     ' Add the table.
    tableName = "Task information"
    rows = 0
    columns = 0
    left = 0
    top = 30
    width = 110
    height = 20
    ' Project ignores the NumRows and NumColumns parameters when
    ' creating a ReportTable.
    Set tableShape = theReport.Shapes.AddTable(rows, columns, _
                        left, top, width, height)
    tableShape.Name = tableName
    Set theReportTable = tableShape.Table
    With theReportTable
        Debug.Print "Rows: " & .RowsCount
        Debug.Print "Columns: " & .ColumnsCount
        Debug.Print "Cell 1,1 contents:" & vbCrLf & vbTab; .GetCellText(1, 1)
    End With
End Sub

To specify fields for the table, use the UpdateTableData method. Add the following code after the Set theReportTable = tableShape.Table line in the previous macro. The OutlineLevel parameter specifies level 1 tasks, and filters out the project summary task.

    ' Set fields for the table.
    Dim fieldArray(1 To 6) As PjField
    fieldArray(1) = pjTaskName
    fieldArray(2) = pjTaskStart
    fieldArray(3) = pjTaskFinish
    fieldArray(4) = pjTaskPercentComplete
    fieldArray(5) = pjTaskActualCost
    fieldArray(6) = pjTaskRemainingCost
    theReportTable.UpdateTableData Task:=True, OutlineLevel:=1, SafeArrayOfPjField:=fieldArray

Run the modified TestReportTable macro on a project that has four tasks with various values for percent complete and resource costs. Figure 2 is an example of the table results.

Figure 2. The UpdateTableData method can add fields to a table

Updating a table with the UpdateTableData method

See also

Shapes Object Shape Object Application.Table Method

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