StartDriver.EffectiveDateAdd property (Project)

Gets the date and time that follows another date by a specified duration, using the effective calendar for a manually scheduled task. Read-only Variant.


expression. EffectiveDateAdd( _Date_, _Duration_ )

expression An expression that returns a StartDriver object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Date Required Variant Arbitrary date and time, for example, "7/10/2010" or "7/10/2010 2:00:00 PM".
Duration Required Variant Duration to add, for example, "3d" or "2w".


The EffectiveDateAdd property uses the effective calendar for manually scheduled tasks, which allows tasks to start and finish on non-working times. The property and arguments have no effect on actual task dates.

Use the EffectiveDateSubtract, EffectiveDateAdd, and EffectiveDateDifference properties to calculate start and finish dates for manually scheduled tasks.

To calculate a date for an automatically scheduled task, where you can also specify the calendar, use the DateAdd method.


The following statement returns the value "7/9/2009 5:00:00 PM", which is six days after the specified date.

Debug.Print ActiveProject.Tasks(3).StartDriver.EffectiveDateAdd("7/2/2009", "6d")

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