Task.ActualCost property (Project)

Gets or sets the actual cost for the task. Read/write Variant.


expression. ActualCost

expression A variable that represents a Task object.


The ActualCost property can be set for Assignment and Task objects (but not for summary tasks) if the Actual costs are always calculated by Project check box is cleared on the Schedule tab of the Project Options dialog box.

Actual costs are also available for resources and assignments. If the Actual costs are always calculated by Project check box is checked, Project calculates the current actual cost for the task from resource cost rate tables and the actual work that resources assigned to the task have completed. For programmatic access to the resource cost rate tables, use the CostRateTables collection.


The following example prompts the user for actual costs of tasks with no resources in the active project. It assumes that the Actual costs are always calculated by Project check box is cleared.

Sub GetActualCostsForTasks() 
 Dim Entry As String ' User input 
 Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop 
 ' Count the resources of each task in the active project. 
 For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 
 ' If a task has no resources, then prompt user for actual cost. 
 If T.Resources.Count = 0 Then 
 Do While 1 
 Entry = InputBox$("Enter the cost for " & T.Name & ":") 
 ' Exit loop if user enters number or clicks Cancel. 
 If IsNumeric(Entry) Or Entry = Empty Then 
 Exit Do 
 ' User didn't enter a number; tell user to try again. 
 MsgBox ("You didn't enter a number; try again.") 
 End If 
 ' If user didn't click Cancel, assign actual cost to task. 
 If Not StrComp(Entry, Empty, 1) = 0 Then T.ActualCost = Entry 
 End If 
 Next T 
End Sub

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