Task.LinkSuccessors method (Project)

Adds one or more successors to the task.


expression. LinkSuccessors( _Tasks_, _Link_, _Lag_ )

expression A variable that represents a Task object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Tasks Required Object The Task or Tasks object specified becomes a successor of the task specified with expression.
Link Optional Long A constant that specifies the relationship between tasks that become linked. Can be one of the PjTaskLinkType constants. The default value is pjFinishToStart.
Lag Optional Variant A string that specifies the duration of lag time between linked tasks. To specify lead time between tasks, use an expression for Lag that evaluates to a negative value.

Return value



The following example create two tasks and links the second task as successor to the first.

Sub Link_Successors() 
    Dim SuccessorTask As Task 
    Dim PredecessorTask As Task 
    'Activate Task Sheet view 
    ViewApply Name:="Task Sheet" 
    ' Create a coupe of tasks 
    SetTaskField Field:="Name", Value:="TestTask-2" 
    SetTaskField Field:="Duration", Value:="1" 
    SetTaskField Field:="Name", Value:="TestTask-1" 
    SetTaskField Field:="Duration", Value:="2" 
    'link them 
    Set PredecessorTask = ActiveProject.Tasks("TestTask-1") 
    Set SuccessorTask = ActiveProject.Tasks("TestTask-2") 
    PredecessorTask.LinkSuccessors Tasks:=SuccessorTask, Link:=pjFinishToStart 
    'delete the tasks 
End Sub

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