Shape.RowType property (Visio)

Gets or sets the type of a row in a Geometry, Connection Points, Controls, or Tabs ShapeSheet section. Read/write.


expression.RowType (Section, Row)

expression A variable that represents a Shape object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Section Required Integer The index of the section that contains the row.
Row Required Integer The index of the row.

Return value



After you change a row's type, the new row type may or may not have the same cells. Your program must provide the appropriate formulas for the new or changed cells.

You can specify the type of row you want by setting RowType equal to any of the following constants declared by the Visio type library in member VisRowTags.

Constant Value
visTagComponent 137
visTagMoveTo 138
visTagLineTo 139
visTagArcTo 140
visTagInfiniteLine 141
visTagEllipse 143
visTagEllipticalArcTo 144
visTagSplineBeg 165
visTagSplineSpan 166
visTagPolylineTo 193
visTagNURBSTo 195
visTagTab0 136
visTagTab2 150
visTagTab10 151
visTagTab60 181
visTagCnnctPt 153
visTagCnnctNamed 185
visTagCtlPt 162
visTagCtlPtTip 170

If an inappropriate row tag is passed or the row does not exist, no changes occur and an error is returned.

Use the RowName property to transition from unnamed to named Connection Points rows.

See VisRowIndices for a list of valid row constants and VisRowTags for a list of valid row tag constants.

See VisSectionIndices for a list of valid section constants.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to use the RowType property to change the type of a ShapeSheet row. It draws a rectangle on a page and bows, or curves, the lines of the rectangle by changing the shape's lines to arcs. This is accomplished by changing the ShapeSheet row types for each side of the rectangle from LineTo to ArcTo and then changing the values of the X and Y cells in each of these rows.

Public Sub RowType_Example() 
 Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page 
 Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape 
 Dim vsoCell As Visio.Cell 
 Dim strBowCell As String 
 Dim strBowFormula As String 
 Dim intCounter As Integer 
 'Set the value of the strBowCell string. 
 strBowCell = "Scratch.X1" 
 'Set the value of the strBowFormula string. 
 strBowFormula = "=Min(Width, Height) / 5" 
 Set vsoPage = ActivePage 
 'If there isn't an active page, set vsoPage 
 'to the first page of the active document. 
 If vsoPage Is Nothing Then 
 Set vsoPage = ActiveDocument.Pages(1) 
 End If 
 'Draw a rectangle on the active page. 
 Set vsoShape = vsoPage.DrawRectangle(1, 5, 5, 1) 
 'Add a scratch section and add a row to the scratch section. 
 vsoShape.AddSection visSectionScratch 
 vsoShape.AddRow visSectionScratch, visRowScratch, 0 
 'Set vsoCell to the Scratch.X1 cell and set its formula. 
 Set vsoCell = vsoShape.Cells(strBowCell) 
 vsoCell.formula = strBowFormula 
 'Bow in or curve the rectangle's lines by changing 
 'each row type from LineTo to ArcTo and entering the bow value. 
 For intCounter = 1 To 4 
 vsoShape.RowType(visSectionFirstComponent, visRowVertex + intCounter) = visTagArcTo 
 Set vsoCell = vsoShape.CellsSRC(visSectionFirstComponent, visRowVertex + intCounter, 2) 
 vsoCell.formula = "-" & strBowCell 
 Next intCounter 
End Sub

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