Chart.Paste method (Word)

Pastes chart data from the Clipboard into the chart.


expression.Paste (Type)

expression A variable that represents a Chart object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
Type Optional Variant Specifies the chart information to paste if a chart is on the Clipboard. Can be one of the following values:
4104 Everything will be pasted. This is the default value.
4122 Copied source formats are pasted.
4123 Formulas are pasted.


The following example activates the Microsoft Excel workbook associated with the first chart in the active document. If the Excel workbook has multiple windows, the example activates the first window. The example then copies the contents of cells B1 through B5 and pastes the cell contents into the chart.

With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1) 
 If .HasChart Then 
 .Chart.ChartData.Workbook. _ 
 End If 
End With 

See also

Chart Object

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