WdFieldType enumeration (Word)
Specifies a Microsoft Word field. Unless otherwise specified, the field types described in this enumeration can be added interactively to a Word document by using the Field dialog box. See the Word Help for more information about specific field codes.
Name | Value | Description |
wdFieldAddin | 81 | Add-in field. Not available through the Field dialog box. Used to store data that is hidden from the user interface. |
wdFieldAddressBlock | 93 | AddressBlock field. |
wdFieldAdvance | 84 | Advance field. |
wdFieldAsk | 38 | Ask field. |
wdFieldAuthor | 17 | Author field. |
wdFieldAutoNum | 54 | AutoNum field. |
wdFieldAutoNumLegal | 53 | AutoNumLgl field. |
wdFieldAutoNumOutline | 52 | AutoNumOut field. |
wdFieldAutoText | 79 | AutoText field. |
wdFieldAutoTextList | 89 | AutoTextList field. |
wdFieldBarCode | 63 | BarCode field. |
wdFieldBidiOutline | 92 | BidiOutline field. |
wdFieldComments | 19 | Comments field. |
wdFieldCompare | 80 | Compare field. |
wdFieldCreateDate | 21 | CreateDate field. |
wdFieldData | 40 | Data field. |
wdFieldDatabase | 78 | Database field. |
wdFieldDate | 31 | Date field. |
wdFieldDDE | 45 | DDE field. No longer available through the Field dialog box, but supported for documents created in earlier versions of Word. |
wdFieldDDEAuto | 46 | DDEAuto field. No longer available through the Field dialog box, but supported for documents created in earlier versions of Word. |
wdFieldDisplayBarcode | 99 | DisplayBarcode field. |
wdFieldDocProperty | 85 | DocProperty field. |
wdFieldDocVariable | 64 | DocVariable field. |
wdFieldEditTime | 25 | EditTime field. |
wdFieldEmbed | 58 | Embedded field. |
wdFieldEmpty | -1 | Empty field. Acts as a placeholder for field content that has not yet been added. A field added by pressing Ctrl+F9 in the user interface is an Empty field. |
wdFieldExpression | 34 | = (Formula) field. |
wdFieldFileName | 29 | FileName field. |
wdFieldFileSize | 69 | FileSize field. |
wdFieldFillIn | 39 | Fill-In field. |
wdFieldFootnoteRef | 5 | FootnoteRef field. Not available through the Field dialog box. Inserted programmatically or interactively. |
wdFieldFormCheckBox | 71 | FormCheckBox field. |
wdFieldFormDropDown | 83 | FormDropDown field. |
wdFieldFormTextInput | 70 | FormText field. |
wdFieldFormula | 49 | EQ (Equation) field. |
wdFieldGlossary | 47 | Glossary field. No longer supported in Word. |
wdFieldGoToButton | 50 | GoToButton field. |
wdFieldGreetingLine | 94 | GreetingLine field. |
wdFieldHTMLActiveX | 91 | HTMLActiveX field. Not currently supported. |
wdFieldHyperlink | 88 | Hyperlink field. |
wdFieldIf | 7 | If field. |
wdFieldImport | 55 | Import field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added interactively or through code. |
wdFieldInclude | 36 | Include field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added interactively or through code. |
wdFieldIncludePicture | 67 | IncludePicture field. |
wdFieldIncludeText | 68 | IncludeText field. |
wdFieldIndex | 8 | Index field. |
wdFieldIndexEntry | 4 | XE (Index Entry) field. |
wdFieldInfo | 14 | Info field. |
wdFieldKeyWord | 18 | Keywords field. |
wdFieldLastSavedBy | 20 | LastSavedBy field. |
wdFieldLink | 56 | Link field. |
wdFieldListNum | 90 | ListNum field. |
wdFieldMacroButton | 51 | MacroButton field. |
wdFieldMergeBarcode | 98 | MergeBarcode field. |
wdFieldMergeField | 59 | MergeField field. |
wdFieldMergeRec | 44 | MergeRec field. |
wdFieldMergeSeq | 75 | MergeSeq field. |
wdFieldNext | 41 | Next field. |
wdFieldNextIf | 42 | NextIf field. |
wdFieldNoteRef | 72 | NoteRef field. |
wdFieldNumChars | 28 | NumChars field. |
wdFieldNumPages | 26 | NumPages field. |
wdFieldNumWords | 27 | NumWords field. |
wdFieldOCX | 87 | OCX field. Cannot be added through the Field dialog box, but can be added through code by using the AddOLEControl method of the Shapes collection or of the InlineShapes collection. |
wdFieldPage | 33 | Page field. |
wdFieldPageRef | 37 | PageRef field. |
wdFieldPrint | 48 | Print field. |
wdFieldPrintDate | 23 | PrintDate field. |
wdFieldPrivate | 77 | Private field. |
wdFieldQuote | 35 | Quote field. |
wdFieldRef | 3 | Ref field. |
wdFieldRefDoc | 11 | RD (Reference Document) field. |
wdFieldRevisionNum | 24 | RevNum field. |
wdFieldSaveDate | 22 | SaveDate field. |
wdFieldSection | 65 | Section field. |
wdFieldSectionPages | 66 | SectionPages field. |
wdFieldSequence | 12 | Seq (Sequence) field. |
wdFieldSet | 6 | Set field. |
wdFieldShape | 95 | Shape field. Automatically created for any drawn picture. |
wdFieldSkipIf | 43 | SkipIf field. |
wdFieldStyleRef | 10 | StyleRef field. |
wdFieldSubject | 16 | Subject field. |
wdFieldSubscriber | 82 | Macintosh only. For information about this constant, consult the language reference Help included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition. |
wdFieldSymbol | 57 | Symbol field. |
wdFieldTemplate | 30 | Template field. |
wdFieldTime | 32 | Time field. |
wdFieldTitle | 15 | Title field. |
wdFieldTOA | 73 | TOA (Table of Authorities) field. |
wdFieldTOAEntry | 74 | TOA (Table of Authorities Entry) field. |
wdFieldTOC | 13 | TOC (Table of Contents) field. |
wdFieldTOCEntry | 9 | TOC (Table of Contents Entry) field. |
wdFieldUserAddress | 62 | UserAddress field. |
wdFieldUserInitials | 61 | UserInitials field. |
wdFieldUserName | 60 | UserName field. |
wdFieldBibliography | 97 | Bibliography field. |
wdFieldCitation | 96 | Citation field. |
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