Serialized IDSET Structure Containing a REPLGUID Structure
For every REPLGUID and GLOBSET structure pair represented in the formatted IDSET structure, add the following to the serialization buffer. REPLGUID-GLOBSET structure pairs MUST be serialized by the value of the REPLGUID in the ascending order, using byte-to-byte comparison. GLOBSET structures are defined in section
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GLOBSET (variable) |
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REPLGUID (16 bytes): A GUID that identifies a REPLGUID structure. When this GUID is combined with the values of the GLOBCNT structures contained in the GLOBSET field, it produces a set of GID structures ([MS-OXCDATA] section The GUID value can also be converted into a REPLID structure to produce a set of Message ID ([MS-OXCDATA] section or Folder ID ([MS-OXCDATA] section structures.
GLOBSET (variable): A serialized GLOBSET structure.