RopOpenEmbeddedMessage ROP Success Response Buffer
The following descriptions define valid fields for the RopOpenEmbeddedMessage ROP success response buffer.
1 |
2 |
3 |
RopId |
OutputHandleIndex |
ReturnValue |
... |
Reserved |
MessageId |
... |
... |
HasNamedProperties |
SubjectPrefix (variable) |
... |
NormalizedSubject (variable) |
... |
RecipientCount |
ColumnCount |
RecipientColumns (variable) |
... |
RowCount |
RecipientRows (variable) |
... |
RopId (1 byte): An unsigned integer that specifies the type of ROP. For this operation this field is set to 0x46.
OutputHandleIndex (1 byte): An unsigned integer index that MUST be set to the value specified in the OutputHandleIndex field in the request.
ReturnValue (4 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the status of the ROP. For this response, this field is set to 0x00000000.
Reserved (1 byte): Reserved. This field MUST be set to 0x00.
MessageId (8 bytes): An identifier that specifies the ID of the Embedded Message object.
HasNamedProperties (1 byte): A Boolean that specifies whether the message has named properties.
SubjectPrefix (variable): A TypedString structure that specifies the subject prefix of the message. The format of the TypedString structure is specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.11.7.
NormalizedSubject (variable): A TypedString structure that specifies the normalized subject of the message.
RecipientCount (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of recipients (2) on the message.
ColumnCount (2 bytes): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of structures in the RecipientColumns field.
RecipientColumns (variable): An array of PropertyTag structures. The number of structures contained in this field is specified by the ColumnCount field. The format of the PropertyTag structure is specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.9. This field specifies the property values that can be included for each recipient (2).
RowCount (1 byte): An unsigned integer that specifies the number of rows in the RecipientRows field.
RecipientRows (variable): A list of OpenRecipientRow structures. The number of structures contained in this field is specified by the RowCount field. The format of the OpenRecipientRow structure is defined in section