2.8.6 PlcBtePapx
The PlcBtePapx structure is a PLC that specifies paragraph, table row, or table cell properties as described later. Where most PLCs map CPs to data, the PlcBtePapx maps stream offsets to data instead. The offsets in aFC partition a portion of the WordDocument stream into adjacent ranges.
Consider the collection of paragraphs, table rows, and table cells whose last character occurs at an offset in the WordDocument stream larger than or equal to aFC[i] but smaller than aFC[i+1]. Then, aPnBtePapx[i] specifies the properties of these paragraphs, table rows, or table cells.
A PlcBtePapx MUST NOT contain duplicate stream offsets. Each data element of PlcBtePapx is 4 bytes long.
1 |
2 |
3 |
aFC (variable) |
… |
aPnBtePapx (variable) |
… |
aFC (variable): An array of unsigned integers. Each element in this array specifies an offset in the WordDocument stream. The elements of aFC MUST be sorted in ascending order, and there MUST NOT be any duplicate entries.
aPnBtePapx (variable): An array of PnFkpPapx. The ith entry in aPnBtePapx is a PnFkpPapx that specifies the properties of all paragraphs, table rows, and table cells whose last character occurs at an offset in the WordDocument stream larger than or equal to aFC[i] but smaller than aFC[i+1]; aPnBtePapx MUST contain one less entry than aFC.